Ponto Proudneck of Tuckborough

That's me. My Hobbit name. Generated with the The Hobbit Name Generator, provided by Graham Steel in the comments of this poetically frustulous post. And my elvish name is Inglor Tinuviel.


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We have too much time on our hands. And are probably neighbours in the Shire....

Drogo Loamsdown of Deephallow


Elrohir Carnesîr

By Gray Gaffer (not verified) on 07 Jun 2008 #permalink

I'm a distant cousin of Frodo and Bilbo, apparently. Berilac Bleecker-Baggins of Fair Downs. Of course, I could be more closely related to the Sackville-Bagginses in which case I apologize for being so greedy.

I'm glad someone picked up my comment at Nature Network and what a shock it was to learn that Coturnix was 1st..... NOT