Juno, Day 1

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Yesterday, I uploaded a post from my old site about slowing down time to make videos look like they were on the moon. If you haven't read that, the short story is that it doesn't look right when speed Apollo videos up so that the acceleration is -9.8 m/s2. What started that whole thing was an even…
A good colleague of mine sent this video around a couple of days ago, with the disclaimer that sometimes he saw himself as the engineer, and sometimes (increasingly) like the "management dude," a fact he found alarming. I for sure feel that one of the reasons that we see so little change in…
Take a look at this video. Your job: decide which person speaks first: Click to view Video 1 (QuickTime required) Let's make this a poll: Which person in Video 1 speaks first?(web poll) Now, try another one. Once again, decide which person speaks first: Click to view Video 2 (QuickTime required)…
And there's parliament. Ok - sorry, I had to make a "Tom (Swans on Tea)" title for this one. Tom, forgive me. Here are two great circular motion videos. First, this one is from Dale Basler. He made himself a fine little floater-type accelerometer. Better than just make it, he made a video of…

awwwwwwwwww shes 2 mush cute 4 me =SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE= =hed asplode=

How old is she? Any particular breed? And what do the kittehs (you still have 2 IIRC, correct me if I'm wrong) think?

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink

p.s. =belleh snorgle= =nosicle kiss= =ears soft kronsche=

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink

She is a chihuahua. I think she is 8 weeks old. Millie (the poodle) and Biscuit (the cat) mostly ignore her when they can and tolerate her when she comes close or starts chewing on their feet, but they are gentle animals and will make friends with the new puppy in a matter of weeks.

Orange Julius disappeared on May 2nd and we could not find him although we did everything possible to make everyone alerted (neighborhood kids, local vets, local shelters, pound...). He was impossible to contain indoors, but always came back before....

So sorry to hear about Julius's disappearance. But you never can tell with cats. My parents had an indoor cat that got out of the house a couple of times. We think he got so confused, he freaked and ran off some place to hide. The first time he was gone 8 weeks, the second time it was 6 weeks, and both times he finally showed up at the back door half-starved and looking like something the cat dragged in (sorry, just couldn't resist) Both times my dad (who claims to be a cat-hater, but we all know it ain't so) was able to coax him inside by opening a can of cat food.

I had forgotten about Millie. You don't seem to mention her very much. But then maybe that's just me. I'm a 100% cat person, have never had a dog, and just sort of tend to skim over stuff about them. OTOH, the kittehs always make me stop and look! =^.^=

It's amazing how much adult animals will put up with from ankle-biters. But it cracks me up when - seemingly overnight - the older critter suddenly decides, "you're too old for this nonsense, kid!" and starts dishing a little of it back. After a few good swats, the little guy usually figures out what's up, but the process can be hilarious.

What's really hilarious is the way they often do exactly the same thing with n00b humans. Up to a certain age, the kid can carry the critter around with its feet dragging the ground, chew on its tail, and get into its food bowl with impunity. But when the animal has had enough, watch out! It's as if they're teaching their own kittens/puppies good manners.

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 11 Jul 2008 #permalink