Watch this. Now.

If the movie does not work for you, watch it here.

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YouTube - Look Around You - Maths (With download) "I happened upon this inspired bit of British comedy after watching Goodness Gracious Me (hit and miss). I was curious why there would be a ten minute show on TV. At first, I actually thought it was a children's instructional science program.…
Over at BlogHer, Marianne Richmond has tagged everyone with a meme on personal media consumption. Given that I've already self-identified as a Luddite, I figured a little self-examination of my media habits might be worthwhile. Web: Until last week, I didn't use a feed-reader. I'd get my daily…
Nobody officially "tagged" me for this, but I saw it at Easily Distracted, and it seems like a good post topic for the Friday before Christmas. The idea is to pick one movie title for each letter of the alphabet. The list below the fold is not an attempt to come up with Great Films for each letter…
Thanks to Vaughan over at Mind Hacks we've discovered that the great movie The Brain That Wouldn't Die is now in the public domain :) You can watch it below the fold or even download it in full right here or here. This movie is a wonderful, wonderful movie! ... ok, really, I've never seen it nor…

Btw, as soon as the journalist left I moved to MY table which is the best in the house. This little low (backbreaking) one was used for the "visuals" and also to be away from other busy patrons while we were talking out loud. To see my table, go here.

Bah. I could totally score an interview with WJCL for you if you ever visit Savannah. My student renter got her sheepskin and is (now) a full time photojournalist for WJCL.

Actually, since they have THE LOWEST RATINGS IN THE COUNTRY (yikes), interviewing a Famous Science Blogger might be a big story for them.