Sarah Palin pranked by a Canadian shock jock

At first I thought this was fake, but apparently the call was real. If true - what a moment!


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Finally, she gets a few minutes of foreign policy experience!

Hell, she's dumber than Dan Rather. (Remember when he got pranked live on the air following the Columbia disaster?)

By Rose Colored Glasses (not verified) on 01 Nov 2008 #permalink

Obama saying the President of Canada is the leader of Canada.

Obama doesn't know that Canada has no president.

Canada has been under parliamentary rule for 140 years.

There leader is the prime minister.

It's amazing the the VP candidate for the republicans doesn't know the name of the Prime Minister of the country that is the US's biggest trading partner, Canada?

There's only 2 countries that border the US and she doesn't know the name of the Prime Minister of one of them?

Alaska is next door to Canada, so how hard can it be to not know the name of the Canadian Prime Minister? After all, she can probably see Canada from her front door too:)

Mrs energy expert doesn't even know the name of the prime minister of the country that is the biggest supplier of energy to the US?

Let alone her not knowing the name of the Premier of Quebec, the 2nd largest Canadian province. Or that there is no Prime Minister of Quebec, or any Canadian province they're all called Premiers.

It would be like a Canadian politician thinking there is a president of the state of Florida.

All politicians get pranked, no big shame in that. The big shame is that she's so clueless about the country next door to her. And she's want's to be one heart attack away from the presidency.

No Jeff, THEIR leader is a Prime Minister.

The stupidity this woman displayed during that entire call far outweighs any confusion over the title of president prime minister.

She displayed her ability to not even blink when "Sarkozy" brought up a p0rn0 parodying her. Category 5 moron.

Dumber than a sack of hammers.

This is the VP hopeful? This is the Republican saviour? She works with our "officials" ... yea right.

Sad, very sad that someone this dense can be in line for one of the top jobs in the country. My five year old daughter has more on the go than Palin.

Save the world from McCain/Palin .... VOTE OBAMA

By Paul_in Vanc (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

reminds me of the michael moore - charlton heston interview. real classy!

By brian harris (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink