The Open Laboratory 2008 is here!


I know you have all been trembling in anticipation! But the day has finally arrived - the third science blogging anthology, The Open Lab 2008, is now up for sale!

This year's guest editor, Jennifer Rohn, did a fantastic job of putting together the best anthology ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jennifer is a pro, so she assembled a team:

Richard Grant was the assistant editor (yes, the posts were really, professionally edited this year, and thus much improved in the process).

Maria Brumm did the technical part, the typesetting, starting out with the template designed last year by Reed Cartwright.

The new cover (not depicted here as well as it looks in Real Life) was designed by Dave Ng, using the artwork by Glendon Mellow.

We received around 830 submissions (give and take, some doubles, some spam, etc. - we gave up counting in the end) and that amazing pool of blog posts was narrowed down to 50 essays, one poem and one cartoon by a team of judges:

Eva Amsen, Tania Glyde, Richard Grant, Stephen Curry, Ed Yong, Katie, Mo, Jonathan Sanderson, Maria Brumm, Martin Rundkvist, Cameron Neylon and, well, Jennifer and me.

If your post is included in the anthology, or if you were a judge, you may way want to display one of the badges on your website/blog - the codes are under the fold.

If you have missed them the first time around, you can still buy the 2006 anthology and the 2007 anthology. Both of those, as well as the new one, are available in paperback or as a PDF download at In a few weeks, the book will also be available at other online retailers, e.g.,, but we prefer that you buy from as the proceeds will go towards organizing ScienceOnline'10 next January.

As always, we will appreciate if you spread the word about the book - the link to the page where you can buy it is, again, here.

Update: Thanks to everyone for spreading the word:

Living the Scientific Life
Science After Sunclipse
White Coat Underground
The Beagle Project Blog
Confessions of a Science Librarian
PodBlack Cat
The Digital Cuttlefish
Bad Astronomy
The OpenHelix Blog
Observations of a Nerd
The Oyster's Garter
Space Cadet Girl
The Flying Trilobite
Greg Laden
The Mr Science Show
Uncertain Principles
Life Sciences Info @ Imperial College London Library
remote central
Books, Inq. -- The Epilogue
Tom Paine's Ghost
Catalogue of Organisms
Page 3.14
Hope for Pandora
Michael Nielsen
Mind the Gap
Tomorrow's Table
A canna' change the laws of physics
P2P Foundation

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WooHoo! I know it is only because it happens to be the first article in the book, but I am waggin'' my cuttlefish tail to be in the preview! I'll put banners up post haste!

Badge and announcement now up on the Beagle Project Blog. Three cheers to Jenny, Bora the judges on a successful conclusion to a pretty darn ginormous undertaking. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! I'm ridiculously proud to be included; there's something special about the dead tree format that just can't be replicated on teh interwebs.

Thank you Bora for your pioneering steps in bringing science from the esoteric to the everyday. The strength of a world-wide middle class relies on common consciousness. knowledge bound up in jargon is dormant. Thanks again for waking the giant!

OK, maybe this is just sheer ignorance and if so, I'd like to correct it: but I haven't yet been able to get one of the "Featured in Openlab '08" buttons to display on my site. I'm using the Blogspot platform, which allows me to customize the .css of the site. Is there some particular .css tag I need to use to get the image to work? I looked and the only .css tag I found directly relevant to images was the background-image tag. Or is there a particular place I need to paste it?

I'm honored to be included in this, just slightly confused at how to make the code work.

Hi Toaster, I work in Blogger as well. You should be able to just copy and paste the javascript above into an HTML Gadget in your sidebar.

If it's still not working for you, you can right click and save the image, put it in an image gadget, and include the link to Lulu.

Hope that helps.

OK, I just added a html/Java blank box for 3rd party code to my sidebar and it worked. I had been trying to manipulate the .css of the template directly, which didn't work so well.

Hey did anyone notice the shout out given to the "openlab 2008" in the March issue of Discover magazine, page 20 upper right blurb. Pretty sweet guys.