Lindau blogger meetup

There are a bunch of bloggers here at Lindau, wearing Press badges, going to Press meetings and generally behaving like Press. Apart from PZ and myself, most of them are German sciencebloggers who are posting their interviews and dispatches on the Lindaunobel blog on (you can filter only English-language posts here) as well as on Page 3.14. Last night we went out for dinner together and had great fun. Most of my pictures turned out, well, pretty bad, except perhaps this one:

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Interesting. But since they are not official Journalists, and Bloggers instead, they can follow made up bloggy rules and ignore the journalist rules and RUIN SCIENCZ KOMMUNICATION FOR EVER-ONE!!!!

Looking forward to how that works out.

Notice that I was not at this little meeting, unfortunately. That's because someone had to do the science-ruining while everyone else slacked off.

And don't forget: we're destroying science and journalism at the same time!

True. When that photo was taken we just had our discussion how to finish off journalism. I am the guy in the grey T-Shirt and the eyes closed, if anyone cares.