Any Photographers Out There?

Sheril is asking for pictures to serve as illustrations for her upcoming Kissing Book:

Have you ever taken a picture of bears nuzzling in the field or kissing fish? How about a provocative pair of human subjects? (With their permission!) Are you interested in having an image credited to you in a science book debuting next Fall? If you're a photographer with interesting pictures of kissing and cuddling [no higher than PG-13 content please], email me before September 14 at

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Do kissing dogs count? my little blue healer always gnaws on her big brother's lips. Big brother is a yellow lab.

There is also a great Tom Mangelsen Photo of two polar bears singing to each other and they look like they are about to kiss.
He even has one called "Polar Kiss" might be a little expensive to get the rights to one of those though. I'll see what I can do. I just acquired a new camera and tripod and am itching to use it.

just looked it up the Mangelsen Photo I was thinking of is titled "wind song" my brother has a huge print in his living room - AWESOME