Environmentally friendly chico bags

We bought a couple of these recently and use them for all our grocery shopping. They are environmentally friendly, strong chico bags, tiny when wrapped up (and easy to wrap up) and large when opened up:

i-d183251c86ceab2cd7686fd6d03ccbd6-chico bag.jpg

Conflict of Interest: this is Bride of Coturnix's store (look around for other items). Every item sold puts money in our joint account. Which is good for me as I am owing tons in taxes.....

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My wife got a large weaving loom a few months ago, and one of her earliest "practice" projects was to weave plastic grocery bags into shopping bags. Now we have NO plastic grocery bags left in the house, so there's nothing for kitty litter scoopings, but we have six really nice large tote bags for our trips to the grocery store. (And I found a bunch of OK-enough plastic grocery bags that had blown into the trees at the edge of our place, so I have kitty litter bags too ;^)

Our shopping bags don't pack down nearly so nicely as yours, though!

Not paying your taxes, eh Bora?

Does this mean you've joined the GOP?

By antipodean (not verified) on 20 Apr 2010 #permalink