TGIF: "Fish Guys"

Between the online game with the ROV and this movie from YouTube, you'll be sure to get no work done today.

This "Fish Guys" movie is a very funny short film about graduate pursuits in museum collections from the 48 Hour Film Project. That means the whole thing was conceived and produced within 48 hours. The script is based on a journal article, and it works, believe it or not!

Directed by Trey Stokes. Filmed on location at LA County Natural History Museum.

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Bwahahahahah...the question though is whether someone not a science geek can appreciate its nerd glory.

Anyone out there not a science geek?

By Peter Etnoyer (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink

That was awesome! Brilliant in fact. 2 thumbs up. "So you're telling me that 4,000 years ago on Catalina Island people were harvesting 2 ton fish?" "That tastes like ass!"

I nearly rolled off my couch.

That was great! "Dude! No! She hasn't seen Office Space!" Thanks for helping me get 11 minutes closer to the end of the day without doing my research.

And as a science geek I unfortunately can't comment on the appeal of the movie to the masses of non-science geeks.