Tangled Bank #46 is Available!

The Tangled BankIt's here, everyone; the newest edition of Tangled Bank (TB) has been published at my sibling blog, Adventures in Ethics and Science, and I am proud to say that one of my pieces was included in this issue of TB.

For those of you who are new to the blogosphere and especially to science blog writing, this is the first edition of TB that has been published on our new ScienceBlogs site. Tangled Bank is a blog carnival that celebrates the best science, nature and medical writing that has been published recently on a blog. As such, these written pieces can include essays, opinion pieces, stories, poetry and photographs. It welcomes links to published pieces submitted by the author and it also seeks links to stories nominated by appreciative readers. If you have found something in your travels through the blogosphere that you think should be read by a wider audience, be sure to send the link to TB. I hope TB enjoys a tremendous response from you, dear readers, because you are the reason that we do all this writing in the first place!

The next Tangled Bank will be published on 15 February 2006 at Kete Were. Links can be sent to PZ or to host@tangledbank.net.



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