Blood Red Moon

Tomorrow (Saturday) night, there will be a lunar eclipse which is promised to be one of the best in years. The eclipse begins at 2018 GMT, and the Moon will be totally immersed in the shadow of the Earth between 2244 and 2358 GMT. The lunar eclipse will be visible throughout Europe, Africa, South America, and the eastern parts of the US and Canada.

During "totality" (see figure below), the only light that will reach the Moon's surface will have been filtered through the Earth's atmosphere, making the moon appear reddish in color.

"If the clouds stay away, it will be fascinating to watch the Moon's graceful movement through the shadow of the Earth," said Robin Scagell, from the Society for Popular Astronomy, UK.

After Saturday's eclipse, the next to be seen over western Europe will take place on 21 February 2008, but in the middle of the night between 0300 GMT and 0400 GMT.

Key times for the eclipse (see figure at right):

  • Moon enters penumbra: 2018
  • Moon enters umbra: 2130
  • Totality begins: 2244
  • Mid-eclipse: 2321
  • Totality ends: 2358
  • Moon leave umbra: 0111
  • Moon leaves penumbra: 0224

Cited story and image source.



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By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

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