Contemplating Staying Up To See the Eclipse...

There's a total lunar eclipse which is taking place right before 6am Eastern time, and as nocturnal as I am, there's no way I'll be up in time to see it. So, I've decided to stay up to watch this rare event. A total lunar eclipse is rare: it happens less than once every two years--but since you can't see every lunar eclipse your spot on Earth, the opportunity to see one is even rarer.

During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth gets between the Moon and the Sun. The Earth's shadow falls on the full moon, which turns it dark to observers' perceptions. Light bent through the Earth's atmosphere gives the moon a reddish glow, more red depending on the 'sootyness' of the atmosphere at the time.


What's happening: Eastern Central Mountain Pacific
Partial eclipse starts: 4:55 am 3:51am 2:51am 1:5 am
Total eclipse starts: 5:52 4:52 3:52 2:52
Eclipse mid-point: 6:37 5:37 4:37 3:37
Total eclipse ends: 6:23 5:23 4:23
Partial eclipse ends: 6:24 5:55

Ok, I'm gonna try to do it. Anyone else staying up too?

UPDATE 5:09 EST: A tiny edge of black has touched the moon's periphery. All around the moon is a large glowing corona of pale reddish light.

UPDATE 5:41 EST: Too sleepy to get out of bed to go check the eclipse. Watched this instead:

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