Captain's Blog, Stardate ...


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tags: Captain Kirk Deals with a Strange Alien Culture, Encounter over Planet Trololololo, Star Trek, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, television, streaming video I've been watching the Trolololololo man video several times during the past week or two with a mixture of fascination, repulsion…
tags: cat enjoying attention, Trololo Cat, Eduard Trololo Khil, internet meme, YouTube meme, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, television, streaming video This video features our favorite boyfriend -- right, my peeps? -- Eduard "Trololo" Khill, along with views of a kitty who is watching,…
Analytics According to Captain Kirk A detailed statistical analysis of the Red Shirt Phenomenon in Star Trek. (tags: articles economics math psychology statistics television SF silly science)
tags: movies, film, Star Trek prequel, satire, humor, funny, The Onion, streaming video I'm not sure I want to see the new Star Trek film. Based on this video report, long time fans of the Star Trek franchise say JJ Abrams' enjoyable, engaging prequal betrays what Star Trek is all about. [2:22]

it's life, Jim, but not as we know it.

Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a blogger!

By Doc McCoy (not verified) on 11 Jul 2007 #permalink

Friday tribble blogging!

It's always bothered me that science fiction failed to anticipate the Internet, malware, viral videos, or spam. Maybe we need sci fi writers who are truly visionary rather than derivative.