Camera Envy

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After assisting Mo as he purchased a huge camera in NYC during the get-together with my fellow SciBlings (I suffered intense camera envy because my own camera was lost when I moved from Seattle to NYC), I also acted as Mo's photographic model. I know; it is obvious that, in the modeling department at least, you get what you pay for! (But please do remember that I also walked through a downpour to the party where that pic was taken -- I clean up very nicely, or I'd like to believe that I do.)

Needless to say (I hope), my knees were closer to the camera than the glass was.

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How did your eyebrows end up with that Sinister-Vulcan angle?

i think the eyebrows thing is a distortion caused by the glass, or by the alcohol, not sure which one.

and bob, who do i remind you of? or should i already know this?