Eternity's Weenie Roast

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Thanks to my very naughty colleague and friend, PZ, I took the Good Person Test and learned that I am a liar, a thief, an adulterer, a murderer, and a blasphemer, and can look forward to spending all eternity in the Lake of Fire. Does anyone know if the Lake of Fire is close to New Guinea where some of my research birds live?

I am glad to know that the religious wingnuts are providing travel advice for all eternity. Thanks to this test, I, for example, should pack lightly and bring a stick along with lots of cold beer, some weenies and marshmallows. How about you, what are your travel plans?

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I very much like the weenie roast idea. I expect my naughty parrots will happily be there with me.

My lovebird Thelma crows with great joy just before she chews up some paper that she suspects I want or she raids the food inside another parrot's cage.

My cockatiel Sierra, while sitting on my head, will poop on the phone and my hand holding it, because at that moment, I am not giving all my attention to HER.

I don't think paper chewing and phone pooping was on that list of sins.

I'm in the pit next to you. I'll try and remember to bring the ketchup.

The good news is that it's cooler than it is in Heaven (Anon. 1972).

Anonymous (1972)A thermodynamic calculation of the Celestial and Infernal states. Applied Optics 8: A14.

(curses! I got the title wrong: it should be "Heaven is hotter than Hell. I used the title for the section of the book that describes this work)

As long as Jerry Falwell isn't there, I'll wager the company will be better than in heaven!