Gathering Paradise: Bill Murray Reads to Construction Workers at NYC's Poets House

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This is a beautiful video, showing the construction of NYC's Poets House, along with a reading of several poems, including Emily Dickinson's lovely poem, "I dwell in Possibility," by actor Bill Murray, and ending with a short segment where some of the guys introduce themselves. This poetry reading was the first to take place at the Poets House new home. It's really fitting that those who constructed the building should be so honored, don't you think?

Learn more about Poets House, its mission and activities, or just look at the collection of stunning photographs taken of this beautiful building. Video produced for Poets House by Limey Films, Inc.

I dwell in Possibility
(Gathering Paradise)
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

I dwell in Possibility --
A fairer House than Prose --
More numerous of Windows --
Superior -- for Doors --
Of Chambers as the Cedars --
Impregnable of Eye --
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky --

Of Visitors -- the fairest --
For Occupation -- This --
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise --

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