Banned from posting comments

The first person to be banned from commenting on this blog is Thought Provoker, aka Quantum Quack, for his trolling (that is, "making comments intended only to disrupt a thread and incite flames and confusion") and insipidity. 

I will use the spam filter to prevent trolling, insipidity, stupidity, morphing, slagging, spamming, sockpuppetry and...ahem...wanking on this blog. (See Pharyngula's killfile dungeon for a definition of all these terms.) And I will be quite ruthless - Thought Provoker was given one warning about leaving irrelevant comments, but he persisted. 


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Dear Moheb, your blog is really fine and noteworthy. Wouldn't banning comments rob away the freedom from users? You may have your own reason though..

Terrific! I've seen some really insightful comment threads here at SB be driven into the ground by these tossers.

Amiya - readers are completely free to say what they want, as long as it's not irrelevant, repetitive or offensive.

Thought Provoker persisted in making irrelevant comments and tried to post five long essays in the comments section. I warned him, but he continued, so I banned him.

I've only had to ban one person from my blag (not that I run a particularly highly trafficked site). Oddly enough, he's also in the Pharyngula dungeon.

Banning isn't something I like to do, I discovered, and I'm not sure I would have done it if he hadn't been irritating my few other visitors. :-/

Banning isn't something I like to do, I discovered, and I'm not sure I would have done it if he hadn't been irritating my few other visitors. :-/

You had more comments on that thread than most others. It kept some of your other visitors engaged, if not happy. It remained relatively "on topic." Ad hominem attacks were limited to those not present. No cussing. Everybody made it home unharmed. So not too bad.

You should reconsider.