SchadenFriday Campaign Edition

Put a fork in 'em. The ultraconservative in centrist's clothing is toast.

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Here are a few links that I didn't get around to mentioning during the week that are, in this blogger's humble opinion, worth a read by my readers: This week saw the 25th anniversary of MTV. Terra Sigillata has two posts on his favorite MTV memories (with the latter link showing a 17-year-old…
It's no secret that I'm a bit of a connoisseur of pareidolia. The various shapes and contortions the human mind can impose on clouds, stains, pancakes, trees, toast, Lava lamps, toilet seats, and even medical imaging tests never ceases to amaze me. We are pattern-seeking creatures, and our brains…
Another year goes by, and yet again the Templetonians have failed to throw a million pounds at me. I feel the same way I do when they announce the Powerball lottery winners and my ticket isn't among the winners — of course, I never buy lottery tickets anyway, but that just makes the analogy even…
Treehugger (detail) Alex Pardee They're partying it up in SF tonight to celebrate the release of Alex Pardee's new "cinematic clothing" line, Night of the Treeple. Check out the preview gallery of sinister forest brethren at Juxtapoz. Note: the mythology Pardee created for this line is yet another…