March 13, 2006
Alas, my mandate for today also includes traveling to St. Cloud State University to give two talks, one to the biology department in the afternoon and another to the philosophy department this evening. It looks like I get to be driving through the tail end of a snowstorm today, too.
It may be a…
March 12, 2006
Chinese food can be such an adventure. The "Big bowl flavor vegetables pig livings bowel" sure sounds appetizing, but all the items with cowboy meat are worrisome. And that last duck chin item has me wondering whether this is a restaurant, or just a very exotic bordello.
(via Helminthlog)
March 12, 2006
You all know what I think of the "Painter of Light"…well, he seems to have improved lately.
And there is more!
March 12, 2006
Voting ends tonight, so this is your last chance to vote for or against Pharyngula in these categories:
Best Blog (non-professional)
Best Expert Blog
Best Single Issue Blog
Best Post
Best Series
Most Humorous Post
If you've already voted, ignore this: you only get to cast one vote. If you haven't…
March 12, 2006
I seem to recall not long ago that in one of those usual "where da wimmin at?" web contretemps, there were claims that women just weren't loud and bold enough to make their voices heard.
All you have to do is read Helen Thomas's "Lap Dogs of the Press" and Molly Ivins' "Enough of the D.C. Dems" to…
March 12, 2006
Shame on you, South Dakota. Watch this clip of SD's abortion politics; on the one hand, you have to respect people who have been providing abortion services to the state for years, like Dr Miriam McCreary (now criminalized), and the few representatives, like Elaine Roberts, who have opposed the law…
March 11, 2006
I'm wondering how the Sarkar-Nelson debate in Austin went down—any attendees want to let me know? I ask because I just now read the discussion paper by Nelson that supposedly represents his side of the argument, and rarely have I seen such a shallow and pointless position advanced with any…
March 11, 2006
Barbara Forrest is one of the big guns of anti-creationism, and she's interviewed on Daily Kos today.
March 11, 2006
John Pieret quotes a religious apologist, about which I am rather conflicted:
For a Christian, when science is allowed to be neutral on the subject of God, science can only bolster faith. In contrast, and I imagine without realizing it, ID proponents have become professional Doubting Thomases,…
March 11, 2006
Through the miracle of animation, Charles Darwin tells the creationists to "kiss my ass".
It doesn't seem very true-to-life, but he has had over a century to work up a bit of crankiness.
March 10, 2006
I must purge the mailbox of a few worthy links…so here they are.
There are a couple of calls for submissions:
The Tangled Bank
Carnival of Liberals
I and the Bird
A few carnivals I failed to mention this week:
Carnival of the feminists
Carnival of Education
Freethought Filter is back up and…
March 10, 2006
I've seen a few births, and they're messy, bloody, and tiring…but you know, it could be much worse.
March 10, 2006
Another Friday, another Random Ten.
Captain Hook
John Cale
Friend Of The Devil
Grateful Dead
El Prado
Tom Griesgraber
Lord, Fix Me
Madison Prayer Band
Yo No Soy Tu Marido (Bachata Mix)
Nicky Jam
Bergfäst (Mountain Haunted)
Cabo Verde N'ot Era
Maria de BarrosNha Mundo…
March 10, 2006
Part two of his masturbation session is up; it makes me a little queasy, so I'm not going to link to it directly, but you can get to it via Stranger Fruit. This one begins with The Pompous One redefining science (these guys know ID doesn't meet the standards of science, so their strategy is to…
March 10, 2006
Enjoy a bracing, invigorating rant. And it's so true.
March 10, 2006
In an interview with Michael Specter in the New Yorker, we get to be really depressed at the way the Bush administration is politicizing science to an unheard-of degree. Bush is bowing and scraping before the twin gods of the Religiously Ridiculous and the Myopic Mullahs of Big Business, and…
March 10, 2006
Quite a birthday party yesterday, eh? Thank you to all the nice people who wished me well and for that roundup of birthday congratulations by grrlscientist. I'm blushing still.
It's a dangerous business, having a birthday. Not only did my actual chronological age get exposed on the web for all to…
March 10, 2006
The birthday was yesterday. Now I'm going to have to wait 364 days before I can ask for this t-shirt as a present!
March 10, 2006
The Schoepenhauer awards are a delectable collection of interesting descriptions of parasites, such as the roundworm.
Today we'll introduce you to the Intestinal Roundworm, a hideous parasite which infects one out of every four people in the world. That's not a misprint: one out of four. More than…
March 10, 2006
Last year, a new and unusual species of rodent was discovered in Laos, called Laonastes aenigmamus, or kha-nyou. Here's the skull:
It's notable mainly because of that unusual jaw. It's hystricomorphous—an obscure term that refers to how the jaw is muscled, in this case with a large masseter…
March 10, 2006
Sepia officianalis
Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
March 9, 2006
There were all kinds of rumors today (from Drudge, of all places) that NASA was going to announce some major discovery related to life elsewhere in the solar system. While that would be incredibly cool, I was dubious—anyone remember the Martian "bacteria"? NASA has a rather poor reputation for this…
March 9, 2006
Remember Snuppy, the cloned puppy? He's been living under a cloud for a while now, since one of his creators was Woo-Suk Hwang, the Korean scientist who was found to have faked data and exploited his workers, and there was concern that perhaps the dog cloning experiment was also tainted.
Put those…
March 9, 2006
My morning was spent at the local high school today, talking to the biology classes about the evidence for evolution. This wasn't in response to any specific worries—in fact, talking to the instructor, it's clear that they're doing a decent job of covering the basic concepts here already—but that…
March 9, 2006
The perfect world arrives in 300 years, apparently, as we learn in a Gernsbackian Mary-Sue. It's entirely wrong, I'm afraid: Pharyngutopia arrived today, in a world in which Chris Clarke writes stories illustrated by Carl Buell that are all about me.
Everyone should be jealous.
March 9, 2006
Here it is, my 49th birthday, and it's spring break. My wife's at work, my daughter is at school, all the students are away, it's dead quiet around here. How to celebrate? I know! I'm going to do some guest lectures at the local high school!
So that's where I'll be this morning, introducing high…
March 8, 2006
Orac has the details, but the basic story is that someone tried to burn down the offices of the The Holocaust History Project (THHP). Spread the word: the only thing this contemptible act should accomplish is to make THHP better known.
March 8, 2006
I feel a bit like a cat with a fat mouse between its paddy paws—although the temptation is there to bite its little head off and crunch on its itty-bitty bones, I think I'll bat it around a bit and extrude a single needle-like claw and stick it in somewhere non-vital and twist, and maybe pluck out…
March 8, 2006
What do you think of when someone mentions the word "Kansas"? Maybe what leaps to your mind is that it is a farming state that is flat as a pancake, or if you've been following current events, the recent kangaroo court/monkey trial, or perhaps it is the drab counterpart to marvelous Oz. It isn't…
March 7, 2006
I'm teaching my developmental biology course this afternoon, and I have a slightly peculiar approach to the teaching the subject. One of the difficulties with introducing undergraduates to an immense and complicated topic like development is that there is a continual war between making sure they'…