Going Mobile

I don't intend to turn this entirely over to Video Baby Blogging, but SteelyKid has been adding new tricks at an amazing rate, and I have the camera... Here, she showcases her newfound mobility, and her inherited taste in entertainment:

The odd one-leg-under crawling style seems to be a local maximum-- she can get up on all fours in the classic crawling posture, but she doesn't have the mechanics entirely worked out, and makes faster progress with her left leg folded under. In the tradition of her experimentalist father, she doesn't see an immediate need to fix what's basically working.

The bookshelf she made a beeline for contains fiction anthologies. the specific book she grabbed was The Book of Ballads. It sticks out a bit from the rest of the books on that shelf, which is probably why it's a favorite.

We spent a good chunk of the morning baby-proofing things, and there is now a gate blocking those shelves (it was easier than finding a new home for all those books). And, if you'll excuse me, I need to go to Babies 'R' Us and get some cabinet latches,,,

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It's been a good while since I did any Cute Kid Blogging, due to excessive busy-ness. There's big news among the younger residents of Chateau Steelypips, though: SteelyKid lost one of her front teeth the other day: SteelyKid showing off her missing tooth That gap? Wasn't there on Friday morning.…

>>And, if you'll excuse me, I need to go to Babies 'R' Us and get some cabinet latches,,,

Get Tot Loks by Safety First. Yes, they are a bit expensive, but they are the BEST system of cabinet locks. My son successfully broke into all the traditional cabinet locks my MIL attempted to use in her kitchen, but never foiled a Tot Lok until he was old enough to reach the magnet key. My husband even installed one on my knife drawer.

The best part is, the can be turn off when they aren't needed and back on when they are.

Too cute for words!

Too cute for words!

Very cute, especially that "I'm a TV Star" look at the camera ... but I dropped in to hijack the discussion to tell you that you must find a way to take Emmy to see "Up".

In addition to the fact that Pixar has discovered a way that you could REALLY talk to your dog about quantum mechanics, it has what must be the highest density of dog jokes ever put on film. Only thing missing were bunnies made of cheese.

But why is the SpongeBob Burger King ad in the "similar videos" category?

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 30 May 2009 #permalink

Gorgeous little lady. You do good work. I suspect the one-leg-under method is in fact more energy-efficient, as she doesn't have to keep herself suspended all the time, just leapfrogging along.

I think you should be glad the book she selected wasn't, say, your illustrated Boccaccio's Decameron.

By featheredfrog (not verified) on 31 May 2009 #permalink

By the way, the weekly baby blogging and occasional videos are greatly appreciated. Especially the Thursday ones... I never did get the hang of Thursdays, but somehow a random cute baby photo helps.


What a cutie pie!! I tried mightily to resist the urge to offer unsolicited advice, but I have a dreadful premonition that my resistance will crumble by the next sentence.

Leave one cupboard open and stock it with fun, safe things for her to pull out: lightweight unbreakable baking pans, bowls, funnels, spatulas and the like. My toddlers were greatly entertained emptying 'their' cupboard whenever I was cooking; I could keep an eye on them and they could be in the kitchen with me and pull out kitchen stuff just like Mom. It was a big hit.

The other thing I did was occasionally to put a handful of uncooked rice or flour in a mixing bowl for them to plow their hands through. Yes, the kitchen was a mess, but they loved it.

GAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I DID give unsolicited advice! Just as predicted!!!!!

Anyway -- Steelykid is adorable, and I believe that every toddler needs a Cupboard of One's Own.

She's a cutie.

I love seeing the different methods of locomotion that babies come up with. That is a new one to me. Before he could crawl, my older son, in addition to just rolling across the room, learned to roll up onto his side, and then lunge forward so that he came down slightly ahead of where he started.