Telling Some "Fibs" Of My Own

Whilst perusing my latest copy of SEED magazine, I came across an interesting poetry structure not unlike a haiku. What I'm talking about is "the Fib," which is a poetic structure based on the Fibonacci sequence; the lines consist of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 (and so on) syllables. While SEED published the "fib" poetry of Jason Zuzga, I thought I'd try my hand at them in my very own forum right here.


mouths agape,
fins proud and ragged,
filtering the oceans apart
until shimmer-hooked and then flopping in boat bottoms,
when gills heave, gasp, drowning in air; eyes glaze
like dropped marbles, clouded and cracked, but holding.

(More under the fold.....)


nod as
you pass her
and you both will know
you are young and raw, half-bitten,
spitten in disgust like fruit picked before its season.


jump back
on the trees,
a reverse whirlwind
and an impossible sunset
seeking their origins, the life from whence they came.


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Tool did a very nice song called Lateralus with a pattern in the singing based on the fibonacci sequence.

White are
All I see
In my infancy
Red and yellow then came to be
Reaching out to me
Lets me see

etc etc...

Now I'm curious about what the record number of lines is for a fib poem. Lines 8 and above will quickly go from run on sentences to strangely formatted novels.

I dig it. Structural approaches to composition seem to reap benefits - but then all approaches do. Mind you, this approach has velocity.

And velocity is exciting...

I find some of the fib alluring but not especially creative. There is, for example, the golden spiral for which it stands:

You might like to visit my blog where at least one
Saturday, June 03, 2006
The Genderation of Two & More

Wake up Honey before Ants Smell the Roses

employs a geometric progression and if you keep looking through the dark stack (archives) Fibnacci makes an appearance too.

My poetic word playground is scientificly based <-)