Awesome Gadgets for Science Geeks

A list of splendiferous gadgets compiled by yours truly!

Below the fold!

This Space Projector from Mathmos projects a constantly moving image (or chaotic oil swirls) onto walls or ceilings. Think of it as a cheap LCD projector; see it at work. Also from this company, Lunar Eclipse (mimics the night sky) and Tuba, which changes colors depending on ambient sounds.

And how about this nifty video sniffer from Swann? It hooks up to any wireless video cameras with 330ft, and displays them in this handheld device. Good for being able to get the drop on ninjas sneaking up on ya. It picks up audio too, but hey, ninjas don't make a sound.

Tired of people looking over your shoulder to read your watch? Well confound them with this uber-cool Japanese watch from ToykoFlash! You have to have a special decoder to even read it, but it sure will look nice on that blonde's night-table. ;)

And what about when you wanna take down her phone number the next day, but still look so cool? Well, pull out your PicoPad when jottin' down digits of mass importance! Fits in the credit card slot in your wallet.

What's that you say, she can't speak English? Well just type your query into this (near) universal translator by Casio to find out how to ask. It has text-to-speech capabilities for six languages (English, German, French, Chinese, Spanish, Italian.)

Nothing like making some creepy sci-fi music. Now you can at home with the Hiwatt Echo Theramin. As your hand gets closer to its orb, the pitch increases. Or, if you are more of an old-fashioned vinyl fan, check out the ELP Laser Turntable. For 15k, the only thing that will touch your Steppenwolf records is light.

Haven't seen the Virgin Mary;s visage in Cheetos or on toast lately? Well, fear not, as you can now make your own. Its a miracle on demand.

Never make a drunken ex call at 4am ever again with LG's Breathalyzer phone. You can put certain people on a do-not-call-if-wasted list, and the phone won't let you connect if it detects alcohol on your breath. (Still can't stop you from toilet-papering your ex's house though.)

How about a USB Bracelet? I'd be all for it except they remind me of those wretched "Live Strong" bracelets. Bleg. I find this video belt buckle from EgoKast slightly less annoying, but try to stay outta the mosh pit ok?

Till the next episode.............

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I second the PicoPad. I use it at least once a week if not more. Too bad you look very geeky when whipping it out of your pocket.

Ha, great links there Larry! I have to admit that the Star Trek link IS the reason i love the Theremin. But I try not to mention ST in EVERY post.

Just most.