China Stem Cells News and Post-Op Experiences

Its no secret that you can go overseas, notably to Asia, to receive embryonic stem cell treatments for a variety of neurological disorders.

Well, I just found an interesting website which reports on the progress of China's stem cell therapies (mostly for wealthy Westerners) as well as patient follow-ups to track the recovery post-op. Take a moment and read the testimonials.
This could have been America.


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As a native chinese, i am not quite sure how to take these words on there Q&A page:

Q:"Arent the research standards in China not at the same levels as in the west?"

A: "... Also, because of the affordability of hiring educated researchers in China, what is lacking in education can be made up in numbers. ..."

I am an American in China and I run that web site. I think you have made a good point J.P. I have corrected it. If anyone has any questions about what's going on in China in terms of stem cell treatments and research, feel free to contact me.
