Noodly Parrot Festival (They Really ARE Psychic)

In honor of His affinity to parrots, Flying Spaghetti Monsterists hold a festival each year to honor the pirate's best friend and prophetic vessel. It is widely believed that the Flying Spaghetti Monster prefers followers who accessorize with parrots because they allow Him to communicate with them more easily. During this festival, several hundred million parrots are gathered in one spot and set free. This symbolizes spreading across the land, granting His followers a great boon, and his enemies a head topped with bird guano. For 3 days prior to their release, Flying Spaghetti Monsterists cannot speak unless spoken to first, and must poorly mimic the spoken words..


Being touched by His noodly, but small, appendage is guaranteed with a parrot on ones shoulder.

My salvation is ensured.

From the Uncyclopedia. Hat tip to Elia.

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You planned this all along. First, get us interested in parrots. Then, conveniently plug a religion where parrots are integral.

I'm on to you Shelley Batts of Ann Arbor, I am on to you!

You know what? I'll just ignore any possible connotation and your part and just assume innuendo right off the bat.