A Night in Schipol Airport and Home Again

I spent the night in Schipol Airport last night, and just got home (to Ann Arbor) today. I'm exhausted! Long stories, regarding Amsterdam. Brussels, a mistake that took me to Paris, trains, coffeeshops and hostels galore on Monday. I'm taking the weekend to try to get un-jetlagged.

Stay Tuned!


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where the heck is our shelley and the insane stories we were not only expecting, but were promised?

Sorry, sorry! A blogger needs some time away from this black hole every now and then. :)

The Scienceblogs web geeks have banned my primary ID again. I'm starting to take the hint, so will likely come around less often. Bye.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 06 Oct 2006 #permalink