Detroit Named Second Most Dangerous City

First it was the World Series, now this? Adding insult to injury, Detroit must follow St. Loius yet again in the rankings, this time for most disgustingly crime-ridden city. I would have thought that "the D" as we fondly call it, would have had THIS competition in the bag. But no. The one thing, the only thing that Detroit had going for it, and we are shamed yet again.

Perhaps it has something to do with the mayor of St. Louis' name being Francis SLAY?

The safest city was Brick, N.J. With a name like that, it HAS to be boring as hell.

Despite Detroit coming in second, we can at least console ourselves that we also secured the #3 on the list as well, which was Flint, Michigan.

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At least the Red Wings beat the Blues...

By afarensis (not verified) on 30 Oct 2006 #permalink

Come on, now. You've got 2 places on Compton! That's worth something...hopefully not too much or someone there will steal it before I finish typing this sente....

I was rooting for the Tigers (they clobbered my Royals enough, I wanted to see them share the punishment), but I've been to both Detroit and St. Louis. StL wins this one hands down. Terrible place, hate it (may be my Kansas City bias showing through, what the hell).