African Grey Deported Due to Visit From Queen

The Queen of England recently visited the frigate HMS Lancaster, however one usual crew member was not on board---the resident pet, an African Grey named Sunny. It was feared that Sunny's foul mouth--who swears like a sailor, literally-- might offend Her Highness, so the parrot was put into "retirement."

The mascot's salty utterings included "a**e", "feck" and phrases such as "Zulus, thousands of 'em," and "You ain't seen nothing, right?"

She is now living with Tony Sawyer and his wife in Penarth, South Wales.

Tony said: "She goes through quite a repertoire but we are trying to tone the language down a bit."

A Navy spokesman said: "It's true that Sunny had picked up a rich navy vernacular and we wish her the best in retirement."


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"Zulus, thousands of 'em,"

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