We Do Have a Bit of a Situation......


Hat tip Ben!

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By way of badscience.net: Speak it, brother Ben! Oh, and don't be too hard on your hairstyle and clothing in that one. I could totally picture you as an incarnation of The Doctor in that getup. That sweater vest does look a bit Peter Davison-ish, although the curly locks do rather echo Tom Baker.
I've been terribly remiss as of late in both promoting and submitting to blog carnivals. However, I wanted to draw your attention to an interesting new carnival and the latest edition of an old stalwart. The Cancer Research Blog Carnival is hosted this week at nosugrefneb.com/weblog written by Ben…
This is a MUST SEE video. It starts with Arthur Laffer, the Regeanomic Yahoo looking like a moron. Then we move on to some other guys who look like utter fools ... Then, Ben Stein totally sticks his foot in it. Ben Stein's Famous Last Words, one year ago: "Stocks will be a lot higher in one…
From Evolved and Rational: You only start to feel insulted when Ben Stein decides that the Holocaust is his "personal" reason for "investigating" evolution, and trust me, you feel really insulted. No, Ben Stein, your movie is not a personal crusade on behalf of your lost ancestors. No, Ben Stein,…

I love xkcd.
In fact, several of Randall's posts have inspired ideas of my own.

And that is why the people that say we should just ignore ID are wrong. It needs to be stomped into the ground until it is dead, then stomped some more, then its followers publicly ridiculed, and then its followers should be forced to wear electric pink, LED flashing belts that say "I'm an idiot!" for a decade. Seriously, though, this is one of those things that people don't need to be just convinced that they are wrong, they should be downright embarassed to have ever held that position.

Thanks Shelley...

and for anyone into webcomics, I have to recommend 1/0.

and I really need an image of the Calvin and Hobbes where Calvin is paralyzed by the ability to see multiple sides of a debate. He becomes frozen in a Cubist world. It was in Scientific Progress goes Boink!

Bill Watterson is a genius. And from Ohio.