Anyone Seen "The Fountain"?

I absolutely loved Aronofsky's work. Not that there's so much of it, only "Pi" and "Requiem for a Dream" plus some student works. But I've heard mixed things about his most recent movie "The Fountain."

So: Have you seen it? And, if so, what did you think?

I'm trying to decide if/when to go see it, so be honest!

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I saw it, and I liked it alot. It's definitely not going to appeal to everybody. I thought it was symbolically sophisticated, visually stunning, and occasionally I had strong emotional reactions. I also thought there were places where the pacing was too slow and where the symbolism was a little too heavy-handed... but all in all I think it's worth seeing.

I'll be upfront here, and say I'm an Aronofsky fanboy who's been waiting nearly two years for this movie.

I really, really loved it, I was enthralled the whole way through. Visually, everything is beautiful, and very purposeful. Clint Mansell is more subtle in this than in Requiem, but the music still pulls you in in the same way(I, *cough*, acquired the soundtrack immediately after viewing this, and have had one of the songs on repeat many, many times). I don't really have any idea what I'm talking about when it comes to acting, but I thought Jackman and Weisz did wonderfully.

It's not what I expected. It's very strange, difficult to describe. Difficult to pinpoint what's what. Almost like he set out more to make a beautiful myth, which just happened to be in the form of a movie.

What was my point? Oh yeah: go see it.