The Official Condom of New York

i-d27c63ed5996a853a328fd1b757653b2-ny condom.bmp AIDS groups are complaining that Viagra promote unsafe sex, but I wonder what they'd think about these official NYC condoms? What seems like a funny concept is actually part of Mayor Bloomberg's initiative to reduce the spread of STDs by giving free condoms. And we *all* know that its the packaging that really matters in deciding on your choice of free condom!
New York hands out 1.5 million free condoms each month, or about 18 million a year. Hundreds of organizations get free condoms from the city and distribute them at health clinics, bars, restaurants, nail salons, nightclubs and even prisons.

Widespread free distribution started after Frieden became health commissioner in 2002 and found that the city's STD clinics were limiting each patient to just a small number.

"I thought that was nuts -- of all the people you'd like to have an unlimited supply of condoms, it's people who have an STD," Frieden said. "Condoms work; they're just not where they need to be as often as they need to be."

There is even a bowl of condoms outside Frieden's office. (SB: snicker snicker!)

More than 100,000 New Yorkers are living with HIV and AIDS. AIDS remains the third-leading cause of death among New Yorkers under 65.

The number of condoms distributed by the city multiplied several times over after the health department launched its online ordering system in 2005.

As the Gothamist pointedly asked:

"Will the subway map be on it?" "Will be it rude and nasty?" "Will it be strong and stoic because of September 11?" "Will there be a cobble-stone textured one, for a little Greenwich Village flair, or a crown for a Statue of Liberty version?" "Will it have 'Come to New York' written on it?" "Will it be subject to the noise code?" "Is it going to be Snapple-flavored?" "Is Big Apple a euphemism for..."

If it was *really* embodying New York, it'd be too small, too tight, in short supply, and ridiculously expensive.

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"If it was *really* embodying New York, it'd be too small, too tight, in short supply, and ridiculously expensive."

Does this have any correlation with why there are so many dicks in New York City?

For those of you who do not live in New York City, you may have missed this.

Mayor Bloomberg put the condom over his head and announced - "I am the biggest dick there is. And then Trump announced. 'I am humongous.' "

AIDS prevention indeed.