A Few Pictures of Denver During ARO

As mentioned, I'm currently at the ARO MidWinter Meeting in Denver, and have taken a few pictures of this beautiful city. I also managed to meet up with Karmen of Chaotic Utopia (I found out why she named it that!) for dinner and hang out with her fascinating cornucopia of friends. (Thanks Karmen!) Through her I got to meet a couple local poltical mavens: Ben Gelt from PAX Students, and Mason Tvert who was the impetus behind the notorious Amendment 44 in Colorado. And a generous reader, Charlie, took me out for a delicious meal of raw fish and sake last night (Thanks Charlie!). Unfortunately, no pictures of those occasion as I forgot my camera. Wish me luck tomorrow, as my presentation is then!

Denver's downtown is new, modern, and accessible however the suburbs seem to sprawl on and on and on. I'm kinda disappointed that I haven't seen much of the mountatins since I've been here (tall buildings occlude my view) but I have seen plenty of the inside of the Hyatt (which is quite nice, so no complaints.) The only complaint I have about Denver is the faux-cowboy kitsch that seems to pervade tourists locales.

The Denver Convention Center plus a weird blue bear

The Performing Arts Center on 14th

Old Clock Tower on the 16th St Mall

Bull Public Art


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Far be it from me to correct a Scientist, but a glance between the hind legs suggests ... well, not a bull.

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 12 Feb 2007 #permalink

If you happen to find yourself in Boulder, head over to Illegal Pete's on the Pearl Street Mall and get a chicken burrito for me! I miss living in Colorado way too much...

Far be it from me to correct a Scientist, but a glance between the hind legs suggests ... well, not a bull.

Gah!! Very true! :D

Xeno: Haven't traversed to Boulder, as I'm car-less. Anywhere in Denver to suggest?

Boulder - there are buses from downtown Denver every hour, iirc.

But if I were you I'd be on the ski train to Winter Park.

Shelley, if you're into techno or hip-hop at all I would suggest the Church. There are all sorts of good bars and restaurants scattered about Denver.
I never really partied much in Denver while I lived in CO, I usually just stuck to Boulder. They have some great places: Rio Grande (Margarita night, I miss you most of all!), L'Absinthe, Conor O'Neills, Catacombs, Red Fish, and Around Midnight.
If you're a fan of microbrews Coly has some of the best. Fat Tire, Hazed and Infuzed, Flying Dog (In-Heat Wheat is great), and Avalanche are some of my favs. Be sure to at least sample some of the greatness for me, my choices up here are limited.

Oh yeah, about the RTD bus to Boulder, last time I took it, it was $10 one way. Probably not really worth it if you can't crash in Boulder for a night or so.