STD Happy Hour

Ohhh this picture makes me crack up. I took it outside "The Sink," a bar in Boulder, Colorado when I was there a bit ago for a science conference. Yes, it says "STD Happy Hour." I forget what it was suppost to stand for, but it did have some other meaning.

i-1622255191f0d01e876cb4cd0ea93975-STD Happy Hour.JPG


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uhh... you were there for happy hour?

If you go to India, you will find a lot of shops carrying the sign 'STD Booth or STD facility inside' or variations thereof!
Apt to throw of a Western tourist unfamiliar with the term.

(STD stands for Subscribers Trunk Dialing which means long-distance calling within the country. Not everyone has long-distance calling activated on their home/cell phones and hence such booths are quite popular)

Sao Tome Dobra.

When I was young, STDs were called VD, for venereal disease.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 01 Mar 2007 #permalink