Grad School Princess

i-8c69062a0ab7dab7204cd3447c13d5bc-light house over breaks comics.jpg

Heh. I became a librarian because I couldn't decide what to study.

I still can't. It all looks so interesting.

Maybe I'll go work in a lighthouse...

By G. Williams (not verified) on 20 Jul 2007 #permalink

All hail xkcd.

All hail xkcd.


Although I prefer the nerdy ones to the romance ones (the author must really be crazy for someone!). Makes me feel depressed bout my own lack-of. :p

I really do like xkcd's outlook on life -- unrestrained whimsy while remaining completely grounded. Sounds paradoxical, but it works very well.

And Shelly: there's a total lack of guys around you who are into cute geek chicks? That's pretty sad. I'm all about geek girls -- sadly, they're usually sufficiently smart not to be into me...

oh wow, you're into xkcd too? you just totally went up on my list!

By Biomed Tim (not verified) on 21 Jul 2007 #permalink

For the record, I still think that the best XKCD ever is the MC Hammer Shuffle one :D

Also, for the record, attractive geeky women are worth their weight in gold.

Go geeks! The geek guys do like attractive geek woman but often lack the social skills (or confidence) to ask out good looking woman be they geeks or not.