On My Way to Europe...and Guest Blogger

In but a few hours I'll be on a jet plane to Amsterdam, to give an academic talk at a meeting. Today has been a mix of stress (blogging scholarship, practice talks) and exhilaration (my friend's thesis defense is today and I'm gonna be in Europe soon!) exacerbated by more caffeine and less sleep than any normal person should function on.

While I'm gone (I get back on the 24th), I am pleased to announce that I will have a guest blogger filling in to keep the ball rolling here at Retrospectacle. That person is my friend Aaron Rowe, blogger at Wired Science Blog and PhD student in Biochemistry. I hope that you guys will give him a warm welcome here and lots of feedback on what I'm sure will be some awesome guest blogging. Don't worry, I'll be checking in and perhaps posting a thing or two while I'm at the meeting (probably with lots of Europe-y pictures!), so please continue to check in here.

Also, wanted to give you all an update on the Blogging Scholarship situation. Thanks in no small part to my friends and readers, I am now a strong second place, less than 1000 votes behind the competition. The voting ends midnight of Oct 28th, so I hope that those of you that haven't voted yet will consider it, and if you feel inclined to post something on your blog or tell a friend, well, I certainly won't stop you. :D Thanks to all of you that have already voted, as stressful as this whole experience has been, it has made me so, so happy to see how many people have faith in me.


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Image: Sneer Review. The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 6100 - 1899 - 1841 - 1264 - 1232 out of 587 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With less than 3 weeks remaining, things are heating up and voting is changing rapidly as…
Image: Sneer Review. The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 5644 - 1825 - 1606 - 1208 - 1117 out of 539 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With less than 4 weeks remaining, things are heating up and voting is changing rapidly as…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 5584 - 1823 - 1578 - 1207 - 1117 out of 536 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With less than 4 weeks remaining (especially if the Quark site crashes), voting is changing rapidly as previous…
The current Antarctic Trip Vote count is as follows; 5481 - 1819 - 1575 - 1205 - 1117 out of 534 candidates registered. I am in third place and sloooowly creeping up on second place. With less than 6 weeks remaining (especially if the Quark site crashes), voting is changing rapidly as previous…

to see how many people have faith in me.

There are other words that might be more appropriate. "Trust" or "confidence" for example.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 15 Oct 2007 #permalink

I look forward to filling Shelley's shoes for the next week. Although, I must admit, I am not accustomed to wearing heels. You can look forward to several posts about pharmaceuticals.

Isn't it difficult to work in the "I'm a poor grad student, please vote so I can have a scholarship" schtick in between international trips?

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 21 Oct 2007 #permalink