B.C. Summer Internship with Surfrider

Surfrider's State of the Beach report is designed to encourage the measurement of "beach health indicators" to see if coastal zone management (CZM) programs are succeeding in their goals to balance conservation with economic development. In the 30 years of CZM, are things getting better or worse?

Surfrider is looking to measure ocean health in a consistent way so that they can adequately answer this question. And this year, Surfrider has decided to add British Columbia to the 2009 report based on research done during during the summer of 2008. This will be Surfrider's first international region included in the report, so it will be an interesting experiment. But first, they need a graduate student to help them...

Check out the Surfrider summer B.C. internship here.

"With speed to bleed, Vancouver Island super-surfer Peter Devries cuts back towards the bowl on a sunlit south swell day."

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