Al Franken
From Andy Barr, Al Franken's Campaign:
When we saw Norm Coleman's ad bragging about how he "brought hockey back" to Minnesota, our first thought was, "Hey, we like hockey, but wasn't that a long time ago?"
And our second thought was, "Wait a minute...they left out the part where Norm spent six years selling out to George W. Bush and the special interests!"
"A Few More Things"
Highlighting Norm Coleman's terrible record on issues important to Minnesotans, the Al Franken for Senate campaign today released this web ad. Titled "A Few More Things," the ad features a man in a bowling alley…
... and raise our voices in thankful prayer to God Almighty..
Because, verily (I've been using that word a lot lately) the Everlovin' God has decided to not tell Jesse Ventura to run for Senate in Minnesota.
Praise the lord...
hattip: David, whom I am trusting here. I have not listened to this yet.
And an opportunity for you to give Al money. Click here to see the ad. The money part is optional.
The Minnesota Democratic Farm Labor Party has officially endorsed Al Franken as Candidate for Senate. The endorsement was made on the first ballot.
Or at least, Caucus! (but caucus for Al, Really) It is sort of like going to the gym, but slower...Here's how it works:
Al's Site is Here.
The Caucus Finder is HERE.
Minnesota is, as my cousin from Colorado was telling me the other day, one of the irrelevant states in the current presidential primary process. Maybe so. But the process is not irrelevant with respect to other issues at hand. Everybody I know is tired of our senior Senator, Norm Coleman, but we also like the guy. We like the guy so much we want to send him into retirement.
And replace him with Al Franken.
So you should vote for Al, send money to Al, tell your friends to vote for and send money to Al. But you can do more than that, and I would suggest caucusing for Al.
I have no…
[Hat Tip: Tangled Up in Blue Guy]
We are going to have the coolest Senator!