
Encephalon #9 is up on Migrations. The next edition will be here on November 6th. Send your entries to: Coturnix AT gmail DOT com
Carnival of Bad History #10 is up on Archy.
This week's Tar Heel Tavern is right next door - over on my SciBling's pad Terra Sigillata.
Harry Potter carnival #33 is up on The Pensieve.
New (and old) carnivals I'm just now getting around to: Carnival of the Godless #51 Friday Ark #109 I & the Bird #34 Carnival of Education #89 The next Tangled Bank will be at meta_analyses on Wednesday, 25 October—send links to your science blog entries to PZ Myers or
The Synapse #9 - the special Society for Neuroscience Edition is up on Pure Pedantry
Change of Shift #9 is up on Emergiblog. Carnival of Homeschooling 42: The Answer to Everything is up on HomeschoolHacks Archy needs submissions for the Carnival of Bad History. Daniel Collins needs submissions for Panta Rei - the carnival of Heat and Flow.
The 89th Carnival of Education is up on Poor, Starving, College Student
Kim of Emergiblog has assembled a wonderfully caffeinated edition of Grand Rounds. Hurry over before she falls asleep after her night shift! And she follows with some good advice on hosting a carnival.
Carnival of the Godless #51 is up on The Greenbelt.
History Carnival #41 is up at ClioWeb.
Mendel's Garden #8: Harvest Edition is up on Discoverying Biology in a Digital World.
The latest Tangled Bank is online (a little bit late) at Neurophilosophy. My notice is a little bit late, too, but in one of those odd coincidences, it's because I'm in London…as is this week's host, and I met him at the natural history museum yesterday. Better late than never, and just in case you haven't read it already, head on over.
I And The Bird #34 is up on Tortoise Trail.
Tangled Bank #64 is up on Neurophilosopher's weblog.
Take a moment and get caught up in these tangles of links: Friday Ark #108 Carnival of Education #88 Carnival of the Liberals #23 Skeptics' Circle #45 Philosophia Naturalis #2 Otherwise, chat among yourselves (hmmm…seems to be a lot of these open threads around here lately. Don't worry, next week I'll tell you all to shut up, it's my turn.)
Philosophia Naturalis Part Deux, the carnival of physics, is now up on Nonoscience. [BTW, what happened to Tangled Bank? It was supposed to appear yesterday on Neurophilosophy]
You can read and LISTEN TO the 45th Edition of the Skeptic's Circle at The Inoculated Mind
Carnival of the Liberals #23 is up on Wirld Wide Webers. send in your entry for tomorrow's Skeptic's Circle!