
Teaching Carnival #12 is up on Scrivenings. Next time, on October 1st, the carnival will be hosted by me here. I will be posting an official 'call for submissions' in a few days, but in the meantime, if you write a post that has something to do with Academia and Higher Ed, please try to remember to tag it with the "teaching-carnival" tag. Still, since the tagging technology is unreliable at best, you can only be guaranteed the inclusion of your entries (and yes, multiple entries are welcome) if you e-mail them to me at: Put "Teaching Carnival" in the title and inquire…
We just had one of these! Mendel's Garden #6 Friday Ark #104 Well, just to flesh it out a little more with some random links, here are some photos. I was told the second one made someone think of me (warning: body modification!). And, jebus help me, for some reason I thought this photo was very sexy. Or appetizing. I don't know, something in the midbrain flickered. Oh, and several of us sciencebloggers were interviewed for an article by Eva Amsen on "Who benefits from science blogging?" It doesn't mention the benefit of people sending you pictures that tickle the cingulate.
Mendel's Garden #6 is up on The Voltage Gate. History Carnival #39 is up on Cliopatria
Friday Ark #104 is up on The Modulator
Now the physicists are putting together carnivals: it's Philosophia Naturalis #1. Hey, aren't these carnivals kind of like…stamp collecting?
A few carnivals have popped up: Carnival of Education #84 Skeptics' Circle #43 I & the Bird #32 Carnival of the Liberals #21 Also, Mendel's Garden #6 is looking for submissions — it will be hosted at The Voltage Gate tomorrow!
There is a second physics carnival being launched! The first one is monthly Panta Rei (the 3rd edition will be on September 28rd), focusing on heat and flow. The new one is called Philosophia Naturalis, with a broader theme of everything to deal with physical science and technology, and the inaugural edition is now up on Science And Reason. The two carnivals appear to have very different concepts so it does not look like they will compete against each other.
Skeptics' Circle #43 - the Sad Puppy Edition - is up on Adventures in Ethics and Science. Carnival of the Liberals #21 is up on Archy.
I And The Bird #32 is up on Sand Creek Almanac
The newest edition of the Tangled Bank, Tangled Bank #62—Travel Bingo edition, is now up at the Hairy Museum of Natural History. The editor went all out for this one and made custom icons for each entry: don't you wish you'd submitted something now?
Travel Bingo Edition of the Tangled Bank is now up on Hairy Museum of Natural History. BTW, you have only two more days to send yoru submission for the next Mendel's Garden on Tha Voltage Gate.
Carnival of Education #84 is up on The Current Events in Education. It is organized like a newspaper. Carnival of Homeschooling #37 is up on Principled Discovery. It is organized like an international flight.
The newest edition of the medical carnival is up on Diabetes Mine. The theme is Celebrating Education.
Encephalon #6, the neuroscience blog carnival, is up on Retrospectacle
Encephalon #6 is up at Retrospectacle.
Welcome to the sixth edition of the neuroscience carnival, Encephelon! From the Neurophilosopher's Blog comes a fascinating video lecture by Dr. Martin Sereno, a cognitive scientist at UCSD, on why humans possess so much more cognitive power than other animals despite the close similarities in neuroarchitechture. The Neurophilosopher also reports on imaging studies which reveal the "God Spot" (or lack thereof), supposedly the neural center for religious experience. Thinking Meat also ponders this study, and wonders how atheists' "mystical" experiences might differ from those of religious…
Paediatric Grand Rounds vol.1, no.11 is up on Breath Spa for Kids.
Billy the Blogging Poet opened up the Tar Heel Tavern and we all had lots of beer and it was great fun! Go and read his account of the evening.
Remember to submit your neuroscience-related blog posts to me by 9pm Sept 10th for the next edition of The Encephalon. More info on guidelines and how to submit, here.
Remember to submit to Encephalon for Monday. Shelley is hosting it. Submission details here.