
I neglected to include the latest carnival of Animalcules in my last round up. In my defense, though, I will say that they are very, very tiny and easy to miss.
Carnival of the Green #40 is up on Camden Kiwi. Philosophy Carnival 34 is up on El Blog de Marcos. Friday Ark #100 (congratulations!) is up on The Modulator.
I have submitted to Tangled Bank (Landis testoterone article) and Grand Rounds (hair cell regeneration), and both have snubbed me. Hmph.
The latest in Pharyngula-approved carnivals: The Friday Ark #100 (Woo-hoo! Nice round 3 digit number!) Carnival of the Liberals #19 I and the Bird #30 Skeptics' Circle #41 Now, open that thread and sing!
Animalcules Volume 1, Issue 11 is up on Snail's Tails. Skeptic's Circle #41 is up on Interverbal
I And The Bird #30 is up on Burning Silo. Get your birding blogging thirst quenched today!
New Carnival of the Liberals is up on One Flew East.
Tangled Bank #60 is up on FrinkTank. History Carnival XXXVII is up on Mode For Caleb. Carnival of Education #80 is up on Education Wonks. The first Carnival of GRADual Progress is up on Fumbling Towards Geekdom.
The Tangled Bank has been frinked: the latest irreverent edition is up at FrinkTank.
The Scian Melt is up on Nonoscience. New carnival of Homeschooling is up on The Common Room.
Encephalon #4 is up at the Neurocritic.
Pediatric Grand Rounds Vol.1, No.9, is now up on Unintelligent Design. You have to do a quiz. Multiple choice only.
You have until August 29th to write a post about trees, or a particular tree, or a picture of a really cool tree, or a poem about a tree...and send it to Burning Silo for the next edition of the Festival of the Trees
Tar Heel Tavern #77 is up on Another Blue Puzzle Piece. The theme is "the future is now" and it creatively done.
Next Tar Heel Tavern will be hosted tonight (Saturday) by etbnc (one of my most frequent commenters) on My Blue Puzzle Piece. The theme is "the future": That can include predictions, prescriptions, hopes, dreams, near future, far future, middlin' future, back to...etc. Send your entries to: tht70 AT nc DOT rr DOT com
Change of Shift, Volume One, Number Four is up on It's A Nursing Thing Carnival of Education #79 is up on California LiveWire
If yes, than Carnival of GRADual Progress is for you.
Grand Rounds Vol.2, No.46 is up on Mexico Medical Student. The Wild, Wild West edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling (#32) is up on Spittibee.
Wasn't here to mention it yesterday, but the Synapse #4 is available at Neurotopia. The next Synapse is on August 20th at Retrospectacle. Submission guidelines here.
Let's start the week with another open thread, and a few carnivals. The Synapse 1(4) Carnival of the Godless #46