cultural observation
tags: New Rules, Bill Maher, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, streaming video
This video below the jump features Bill Maher's social observations, including his comments about the relationship between raising animals for food and global warming.
tags: Faith Is Retarded, religion, faith, delusion, streaming video
Clearly Christianity, as with all religions, has been a necessary cog in the machinery of human social evolution. But it is a crutch that we no longer need. It is time for us to move past this primitive mindset and into a world based on reason and logic. [5:50]
tags: Onion News Network, ONN, privacy, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video
This streaming news report reveals that web users who wish to completely protect their privacy can choose to move to a desolate mountain village started by Google. While living there, they are guaranteed an environment free from Google products and natural light from the sun [2:18]
Arikia, who was our witness at City Hall yesterday, sent us this song on I've never heard this song before, but the lyrics are almost as though it was written for my guy and I:
"Brand New Colony"
I'll be the grapes fermented,
Bottled and served with the table set in my finest suit
Like a perfect gentlemen
I'll be the fire escape that's bolted to the ancient brick
Where you will sit and contemplate your day
I'll be the waterwings that save you if you start drowning
In an open tab when your judgment's on the brink
I'll be the phonograph that plays your favorite
Albums back as you're…
tags: TEDTalks, marshmallow experiment, future success, Joachim de Posada, streaming video
This video is a short talk where Joachim de Posada shares a landmark experiment on delayed gratification -- and how it can predict future success. With priceless video of kids trying their hardest not to eat the marshmallow [7:14]
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.
tags: Test Your Faith Vision, humor, funny, streaming video
This video shows you an actual boat rescue in progress. A speedboat has flipped over in NYC's Central Park Conservatory Water so a nearby fireboat rescues it by flipping it back to its proper position. Of course, since this is a speedboat, the ungrateful thing zips off immediately, and is not seen again. I happen to know the man (Dick Conners) who pilots the fireboat in this video. [0:57]
I have a photoessay in the works about the boathouse where these model boats are housed, since Dick was so kind as to bring me into this space…
The Gardian The Grauniad published a piece that has me seriously worried! The Brits have apparently seized the gold medal from the Americans in sheer, unadulterated laziness;
One in six people would rather watch a TV programme they didn't like than leave the sofa to change the channel if their remote control was broken. A third (36%) of the 2,000 adults surveyed for the study said they would not run to catch a bus and more than half (59%) would not walk up two flights of stairs to reach their office, choosing instead to take the lift.
More than half of dog owners (52%) did not walk their…
tags: Test Your Faith Vision, humor, funny, Edward Current, streaming video
This video is a timed quiz and it asks, "Among all the horrible things in the world, how quickly can you pick out our loving Creator's blessings?" Find out with this simple quiz. [4:33]
What was your score on this quiz? My score indicates that I should give up and go back to my sinful way of life. YEEhaw! I can hardly wait!
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video
This video is the entire Colbert Report form 6 August 2009. This news report covers Yahweh or No Way, and other interesting news reports [21:44]
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video
This video is a news report from The Day Today with Barbara Wintergreen, who is investigating the Natus craze in California [2:02]
tags: Creature Comforts, space aliens, UFOs, humor, funny, streaming video
This video is a clip from Creature Comforts asks Londoners if anyone is out there? And records a variety of amusing answers [9:00]
tags: Creature Comforts USA, self-image, self-esteem, humor, funny, streaming video
did you know that hair on your dingleberries affects your self esteem? Neither did I. This video is a clip from Creature Comforts USA about self image -- I think it's amusing. [8:51]
tags: religion, humor, funny, bible, Lewis Black, streaming video
Lewis Black takes a look at religions and explains them to the public .. he uses some rather colorful language, too [5:56]
tags: religion, humor, funny, bible, The Chasers, streaming video
According to the polls, 63% of Americans believe the bible is literally true. But apparently, they are either lying or too stupid to know what is actually in the bible, as you will see in this video [5:56]
tags: humor, funny, claymation, creature comforts, Being a Bird, streaming video
This hilarious video is composed of audio interviews with Londoners and is animated with Claymation animals. I was thinking it could be amusing to ask you to identify the species for each bird in the video -- can you identify the species? [9:00]
Aardman animations: Nick Park Julie Lockhart Richard Goleszki. Clay animals Creature Comforts by Juanchovaldez.
tags: humor, funny, claymation, creature comforts, The Pet Shop, streaming video
This hilarious video is composed of audio interviews with Londoners and is animated with Claymation animals. As a former manager of a pet shop, I find this video to be amusingly close to how I'd imagine reality to be for wannabe pets [8:59]
Aardman animations: Nick Park Julie Lockhart Richard Goleszki. Clay animals Creature Comforts by Juanchovaldez.
tags: TEDTalks, politics, society, Why Societies Collapse, Jared Diamond, streaming video
Why do societies fail? In this video, Jared Diamond uses lessons from the Norse of Iron Age Greenland, deforested Easter Island and present-day Montana to talk about the signs that collapse is near, and how -- if we see it in time -- we can prevent it [22:42]
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.
tags: Onion News Report, ONN, roommates, humor, satire, funny, cultural observation, streaming video
In this video, we learn that 80% of all roommates got so drunk last night .. what was your roommate doing wasted last night? [1:18]
tags: physics, flatland, 4th dimension, Carl Sagan, streaming video
In this video, world famous astronomer and astrophysicist, the great Carl Sagan, explains the 4th dimension. I wonder if Carl knew how funny he was? [7:15]
tags: Onion News Network, ONN, children's healthcare, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video
A recent study reveals that children are strongly opposed to healthcare -- according to respondents between ages of three and eight years old, the most common answer to the question "do you want to go to the doctor more?" was a resounding "NOOOOOO!" [1:35]