
Right Whale Bay of Fundy Blog Things Younger Than John McCain Essays by Danielle Fong Existence is Wonderful
Continuing with asking for your help in fixing my Blogroll: Every couple of days or so, I will post here a list of blogs that start with a particular letter, and you add in the comments if you know of something that is missing from that list. See so far: Numbers and Symbols A B Today brought to you by letter C. This is what is on the Blogroll right now. Check also the Housekeeeping posts for other C blogs I have discovered in the meantime. Check links. Tell me what to delete, what to add: Cabinet of Wonders Café Philos: an internet café Calamus Canadian Cynic Cannablog The Cape Fear Mercury…
Continuing with asking for your help in fixing my Blogroll: Every couple of days or so, I will post here a list of blogs that start with a particular letter, and you add in the comments if you know of something that is missing from that list. See so far: Numbers and Symbols A Today brought to you by letter B. This is what is on the Blogroll right now. Check also the Housekeeeping posts for other B blogs I have discovered in the meantime. Check links. Tell me what to delete, what to add: BPR3 Bonnie J. M. Swoger Ben Off to Iraq Biology Blogs BIOLOGY & POLITICS B92 Blogs B and B Back off,…
First, from the Seed Overlords: You may have noticed some pretty yellow banner ads around the site this week. They're advertising a huge reader survey that we're conducting right now. Anyone (excepting Seed employees) who fills it out can enter to win an iPod and MacBook Air. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. Here's the survey page: Then, following the lead of Ed, Bora, DrugMonkey, and Alice, I'd like to invite the readers of this blog, from regular commenters to committed lurkers, to check in. Tell us who you are, what brings you here…
Continuing with asking for your help in fixing my Blogroll: Every couple of days or so, I will post here a list of blogs that start with a particular letter, and you add in the comments if you know of something that is missing from that list. Today brought to you by letter A. This is what is on the Blogroll right now. Check Housekeeeping posts for other A blogs I have discovered in the meantime. Check links. Tell me what to delete, what to add: The Alternative Scientist Academic Productivity The Apprenticing Lab Rat A Man With A Ph.D. A Wallflower Physicist's Perspective Advances in the…
Mild Opinons Gunther Eysenbach's random research rants It's Lovely! I'll Take It! Margaret McCartney
There's a war under the bed... Gallery of The Absurd Resplendent Chaos Digital Ethnography 30Threads Ether Wave Propaganda Dependable Erection
Cleaning up and updating my enormous Blogroll is not an easy task, and I have fallen far too behind to be able to do it in a day or two. May need a month or two. Perhaps you can help me. Every couple of days or so, I will post here a list of blogs that start with a particular letter, and you add in the comments if you know of something that is missing from that list. Let's start with blogs whose names begin with numbers and symbols: 0xDE 10000 birds 11D 1420Mhz 2 cents worth 2 sides 2 ron 3 Bulls 3D Science News 3 quarks daily 30Threads 400 words 49 percent 5/17 500 Or Less 511 80 beats…
Apparently, there is a Sitemeter upgrade that makes many sites displaying Sitemeter invisible for users using Internet Explorer. I have now swapped the old Sitemeter for the new, and you should be able to see my blog just fine, at least in more recent versions of Internet Explorer. Now, the big question is: why would anyone still use IE? It is most security-breachable of all browsers, and does not do nearly as well as Firefox and other browsers (have you never experienced the beauty of various Firefox plug-ins?). Yet, see how many readers of this blog, supposedly tech-savvy for the most…
Counter Minds The Rough Guide to Evolution Professor in Training Stimulating Aliquot
The Genomic Standards Consortium Mad Scientist, Jr. On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess.... 3D Science News Ceptional Dr. Derya Unutmaz
The path forward Maxwell's Demoness Science Matter The Technium The Wobbling Mind
Thomas asks in the comments: "More after the jump..." WTF? Why must people insist on using this trite, meaningless phrase? Don't they know it immediately makes people hate them for using it? I'm pretty sure people know how to scroll down to see if the article continues. And when all that "jump" is is a double-spaced line... WFT!? I'm not a big fan of this phrase either, but I started using it after talking with readers who 1) came in from the home page and it wasn't always clear from the portion of the post appearing there if there was additional text at the link; and 2) read via RSS feed and…
Moss Plants and More The Wild Side (Olivia Judson) The Phytophactor Mendeley Blog The Apprenticing Lab Rat
Dent Cartoons What we don't know is A LOT skeetersays Crossing the Frame The Spittoon Unbalanced reaction MaRS blog - Science and Technology JMP Blog Developer Blog
Palaeoentomology & Insect Evolution More Grumbine Science Buttered Waffles The Evolving Mind Moose Droppings On The Media--Cavewoman Style
JenDodd It's Alive!! David Hone's Archosaur Musings Visualizing Evolution Ruminations of An Aspiring Ecologist BPR3 (new address)
IBY's Island Universe Podblack blog (new URL) Tomorrow's Table 49 percent
Because the three-dimensional world has had me in a headlock (and a heat-wave), I'm tardy in passing on the news that ScienceBlogs is hosting a new blog, Next Generation Energy, that is slated to run from July 9 to October 9. On this blog, Seed editors, ScienceBlogs bloggers, and outside experts will be discussing future energy policy and alternative energy solutions. Among other things, the folks at Next Generation Energy will have a weekly question they'll try to answer from their various perspectives. This week's question asks for predictions about the viable non-oil (and non-corn-…
Language Log (new address) Marmorkrebs Dinosaur Home