...just busy with the Conference and Anthology.
Judging of the entries for the anthology is over and Reed and I have determined the winners. The authors have been notified and, unless one of them wants to pull a post out, I will post the links to all the winning posts here on my blog tomorrow, so come back to this spot tomorrow.
The year in review meme is too random to really capture the highlights of a year on a blog. So, here is a collection of links that I think mark the most important moments of this blog in the last year:
January (297 posts) was dominated by the science blogging anthology and the science blogging conference, so it was filled mostly with re-posts of the old stuff, quick links and only a couple of science posts. This was also the time when my name first appeared in the media. This is also the time when I started writing more about Open Science. All of this combined resulted in a large and…
Brontossauros em meu jardim
Podblack Blog
Second Sight
Practice Space
Med i Mentol
Nebom hodam, pticu pratim....
My blah, blah, blah.... this and that... anything and everything
Overcoming Bias
Science Sense
Sweet Waters
Lisa Paitz Spindler
Apologies for the lack of posting; been a busy fall here. I'll have a real post up later today; in the meantime, I'll note that the latest edition of Grand Rounds is up over at Prudence, M.D.
Out of the Mountains
Eclectic Glob of Tangential Verbosity
The Dendritic Arbor
The Lord Geekington
The Modest Proposal
The Modest Proposal blog
The Issue
Peer To Patent blog
... (L-R) Scienceblogs' own rabblerouser, PZ Myers; Phil Plait of Bad Astronomy; myself; and birthday boy Evil Monkey, along with a host of other science bloggers and readers (including some self-identified in the comments in PZ's and Phil's posts)? A nerdalicious Saturday evening in DC, that's what. We arrived a bit late and so missed some of the festivities, but I did get to chat with both PZ and Phil a bit, and hear some stories about Phil's upcoming book. I did not, however, get the memo on the dress code, and sadly left my blue button-up-over-a-T-shirt-sporting-a-button combo back…
Now that the DonorsChoose drive is officially over, and the prizes have been distributed, I can now place a link to my CafePress store on my sidebar (see right under the PayPal and buttons).
So, if you are thinking about cool presents for whichever holiday you may be celebrating in the near future, consider the beautiful 'A Blog Around The Clock' banner on a t-shirt or a coffee mug or a wall clock. Heck, if you really insist on having one on a thong, e-mail me and I can see what I can do about it....
This is the 4000th post on this blog. I wish they were all long, smart and thoughtful like this one....
WaterBlog: ask an aquatic biologist...
I Love Science, Really
What an untenured college professor shouldn't be doing...
Marcus' World
Health Care Renewal
Common Sense
Photo of Nature by Kopernik
Star Stryder
Jayne's Breast Cancer Blog
Daisy's Dead Air
Mary Evelyn
Mechanically Separated Meat
The Indigestible
The Banana Peel Project
BioBlog (NZ)
The Divinely Guided Boot of Upward Inspiration
ChemSpider Blog
The new channel landing pages are up and running. The photos on the landing pages will rotate on a weekly basis. The Sb overlords are always on the lookout for new images to appear there and our readers are a great source for such pictures.
So, you can have your images dispayed there as well. They say:
It's not too hard: the image needs to be at least 465 pixels wide. Readers should send their photos to They should send only photos that they have the rights to (e.g, photos they have taken themselves), and they should include a line of text to the effect that we have…
If you come here from the front page of Scienceblogs, you have probably noticed some changes. Instead of ten, there are now eight channels, and the latest 4 (instead of 3) posts in each category are highlighted. If you check the channels on the left side-bar you will see that the landing pages of each channel are now much more exciting! See, for instance, the Life Science page - it is not just a simple aggregator any more - there is a daily quote from a reader comment (the main quote on the front page is going to continue to be from one of us bloggers), a pretty picture of the day, and more…
The Oyster's Garter
SLA's Biomedical and Life Sciences Division blog
Interactive Publishing
New@Norris Library
T. rex eats fish...
All but one species
Stephen Fry
Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
SWOP East Sex Workers Outreach Project
Got a grant off earlier today, so I'm unwinding a little bit tonight (before I unleash an exam upon my students tomorrow). In the meantime, I just found out an interview I did about my S. suis research back in August was in last week's JAMA.
Back with more tomorrow...
The Stem Cell Geek
365 Cheeses
Blackwood Eats
Advances in the History of Psychology
SES: Science, Education & Society
Urban Science Adventures!
Feminist undergrad