
Schadenfreude , n. Pleasure found in the misfortunes of Answers in Genesis, who employed a pornography actor to play Adam. Well, at least it makes sense - didn't Adam and Eve fall because they had sex? I'm sure some Baptist told me that once...
Who knew elephants would take up a life of crime? From CNN, by way of Battlepanda: An elephant in eastern India has sparked complaints from motorists who accuse it of blocking traffic and refusing to allow vehicles to pass unless drivers give it food, a newspaper has reported. The Hindustan Times said Monday the elephant was scouting for food on a highway in the eastern state of Orissa, forcing motorists to roll down their windows and get out of the car. "The tusker then inserts its trunk inside the vehicle and sniffs for food," local resident Prabodh Mohanty, who has come across the…
An oldie but goodie starring I Dream of Jeannie as god ... Enjoy! Here's Ned Flanders dealing with an evolution exhibit. And here's the evolution vs. creationism debate starring Lisa.
Ahh Press Releases.... Don't you just love it when someone who doesn't really give a shit comes up with extremely inane or obvious titles? This time around the titles are come from good ol' EurekAlert. Our first title falls under the duh category: "Brain holds clues to bipolar disorder" Ohh.... Reaalllly? As opposed to what?! Our second title falls under the "my cousins uncles brothers step-sisters boss's foot surgeons dogs breeders groomers friend" category. "Lack of sun does not explain low vitamin D in elderly who are overweight" I feel like they're forgetting another way of classifying…
tags: Big Talk, humor, streaming video This streaming video is actually a fake ad, showing a humorous situation where a father goes to his son for advice .. because the father is used to "doing things the old fashioned way" [1:10].
Do you realize that if we could get them to believe this (and you know, they'll believe anything), it would cut the crowding at prime beach recreation sites by half or more?
Daniel Solove is going to be in big trouble at the next meeting of the secret teacher's cabal: he has revealed our favorite method of grading papers, and documented it with photos, no less.
The Fall. What can we say about the Fall that hasn't been said many times before? Well, if all you read is the text, quite a lot. The Serpent is interesting, for a start. He talks, and so he's a magical creature. He has a human-like personality, for he is "crafty" (although I really prefer the old term "subtle", for it makes him sound like a lawyer). He talks about YHWH Elohim only as "Elohim", for a start - I don't know what meaning there is in that. It's not that the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) had become sacred, for it is spread through Genesis and you'd expect it to be elided by the Redactor…
Chris Clarke claims I'm doing a cameo in this video. Was I the jogger? The policeman? The nun? The construction worker? Oh, hey…there I am. Nice outfit. Chris also wants me to introduce him to Julieta. Sorry, Chris, I think she'd find your appendages…inadequate.
...and order anything that comes with "assorted meats." You see, I thought that would mean mammals and birds. Instead, we got this: We couldn't even identify in which phylum half of this stuff was. There was one thing that couldn't make it past my nose. When we asked what it was, we were told "Chinese seafood." As you might guess, there was a little left over: Oh well. The braised duck was very good...
tags: Dick Cheney, Roy Zimmerman, politics, streaming video This streaming video is a song by Roy Zimmerman, who is a musician and political humorist. In this video, he chose to sing about Dick Cheney, who is supposedly the sexiest man alive [3:00].
It is also likely that if God re-issued Genesis 2, he'd do it as a comic strip like this. Oops I forgot to link it... fixed now.
It was a nondescript room, a board room much like board rooms found in corporate offices across the length and breadth of the U.S., or even around the world. There was the tasteful built-in wood bookshelves loaded with books and journals, for instance. Given the nature of this company, the journals included titles such as the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Pharmacology, and other scientific titles, and the textbooks included Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, among other weighty tomes. Lining the walls were pictures of men in either suits or lab coats, the…
Yeah, if Jesus came back, you've got to wonder what he'd think of traditional fashions.
I've just found what has to be literally the coolest weblog ever. Its whole raison d'être is a pet peeve of mine, too, but I literally never thought of starting a blog about it.
This eCard was sent to me by a friend: How true.
I only recently discovered 9 Chickwood Lane, which is a really odd cartoon strip with ballet dancers, veterinarians and a visiting space alien named Thorax. Before I found this (and Pibgorn, which is in the same universe), Thorax officated at the marriage of two of the characters. Being an alien, he delivered this ceremony, which beats hollow any other service I have ever read: Nearly beloved, we are tethered to gather here in the light of Sod, and in the essence of this prolongation, to join this womb and this mammon in hounds of moley batrimony. This is an oily estate, and fairthore not…
How dare cartoonists make fun of atheists? We are not to be mocked! You know what this demands, right? Rioting in the streets! That's right — all you True Atheists will get off your butts right now and go set an embassy or a cartoonist, whichever is handiest, on fire. Or not.
I want this on a t-shirt, dammit. HT to boing boing.