
Okay, dear readers, I finally figured out one way to circumvent computer security on the hospital computer. Since I am currently in the hospital, this crappy computer of theirs is my only link with the blogosphere, so this is truly good news. YeeHAW! As a result, and starting with this image, I now can share a few things with you that I know you will truly enjoy! Image moved below the fold due to slow download times .. . This picture lacks something ... (Orphaned image) tags: republicans, TIMEmagazine, Bush, politics, satire, humor
Pretty much everyone knows about the existence of the fabulous cave paintings dating back 30,000 years in places such as Lascaux and Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc in France. In these caves, our forebearers used the walls as their canvases to paint amazingly vibrant and detailed paintings of animals and various other things. The paintings are beautiful, some of them even having been drawn using surprisingly sophisticated techniques of shading and perspective, and millions visit the caves to view . Long we have assumed that we knew quite a bit about these drawing in these caves. But now evidence has been…
This morning, I'm off to the Unitarian Church of Willmar to talk about creationism. I'll be back later, but 'til then, you kiddies can watch some TV. Flea has David Rakoff, if you want to laugh at the inanity of the right wing, while Crooks and Liars hosts the latest Olbermann, if you're more in the mood for tragedy, in this case the unraveling of the Constitution.
Music fan that I am, I found a particularly amusing video of album covers battling it out in a hysterically ultraviolent and cartoon-bloody manner. (Via Stereogum.) If you're like me, and have many hundreds of albums, you'll find yourself counting how many of the album coveres featured in this video you actually own. I own quite a few of them, although I will tell you off the bat that I most assuredly do not own the Shaun Cassidy album featured. (I do, however, have Metallica's Master of Puppets.) Genius!
What's truly terrifying about the Bush phenomenon--at this point, it really can't be called a presidency like any other--is that the 36-40% that think he's doing a good job can vote and own firearms. Seriously, my conception--and I would argue most liberals, moderates, and some conservatives--of what a president should do fundamentally differs from the diehard Bush base. Take it away Jon Stewart (the part at 2:30 is brlliant):
I am very glad that I am not a math teacher.
Well, the winners of the the evil Doppelganger of the Nobel Prizes, a. k. a. the Ig Nobel Prizes, have been announced, and more worthy winners I can't think of: BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- The sound sets teeth on edge, makes skin crawl and sends a shiver down the spine. Just thinking about it gives some people the heebie-jeebies. But what is it about the sound of fingernails scratching a blackboard that elicits such a universal reaction? Randolph Blake and two colleagues think they know -- the sound's frequency level. Their research has earned them an Ig Nobel, the annual award given at…
PZ tells us that the people in Kensington have strong opinions about who discovered North America, and you can learn about them at the Kensington Runestone Museum. But I can top that. I saw an authentic Viking ship replica in Duluth, MN. And if you're ever in Duluth - better remember this (whether you believe it or not is immaterial) - It was Leif Erikson, in 1000 AD, not Christopher Columbus.
We're hoping he'll announce that he's going to run against Coleman in 2008 from the stage here at Morris—he was playing coy with Jon Stewart because, pffft, you want to make such important statements in places that matter, that have resonance.
href="">HOOPESTON, Illinois -- A small-town theater owner says he was not trying to send Hollywood a message when he shut down for two weeks rather than show box-office leader "Jackass 2" or other new releases that he calls "drivel." But even if accidental, Greg Boardman's blank-screened protest is getting a thumbs up from movie-goers who long for family fare and jeers from others who say his theaters are one of the few diversions -- especially for children -- in this farming town of about 6,000 people…
Don't you just love how Tom Tomorrow can find the silver lining in every cloud?
Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand. -- Mark Twain HT: Ratboy's Anvil
I have a weakness for kitschy and campy stuff, and album covers are a particularly fertile ground for tacky and silly stuff. Fortunately, thanks to Dennis Catron, I get to indulge my enjoyment of such things with his lovely collection of camp album covers. Most of them come from the 1950's and 1960's, but there are a few more recent than that. Here are but a couple of examples: And what collection of cheesy album covers would be complete without an inner sleeve with Satanic imagery: Geez, that last one looks like it came from a Spinal Tap gatefold. And what band is it? Believe it or not,…
Yep, this about sums it up:
Note the headline on our student newspaper. It refers to the fact that our football team played Trinity Bible College's and beat them by a damnable 67 to zip…and that we've probably got a smart-ass heretic on the newspaper staff.
Here he is on Extras, providing a little impromptu song: What an honor, to be dissed by Bowie in song, and a song that rather sounds like some of his really old stuff. You know, it'd be really cool if Bowie were to record this tune. Speaking of which, it's been three years since his last album. Yes, I know that he suffered a small MI and had to undergo angioplasty, but that was a couple of years ago. He's due to get back in the studio. Come on, David, we want new material!
On Tuesday night, we learned about a new animal. It's shy, elusive, endangered, and a bad choice for a sixth grader's animal report. It's the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. They have an FAQ page and photos, so it must be true.
More on blogospheric rhetoric, via Newsvine.
First, it was HIV/AIDS "skeptic" Celia Farber referring to me as "low rent riff-raff." I was so honored by that particular accolade that I had a smile on my face the rest of the day after I discovered it. Fortunately for me, that's not the end of the accolades. Thanks to my posts about Dawn Winkler, the antivaccination activist who is running for Governor of Colorado, I've been mentioned on as "the pharma moron"! It's really good to know that my work here is not going unrewarded. I'll have to be careful, or I might get a swelled head. OK, as a surgeon, by definition I already have a…
As a long time Led Zeppelin fan, I'm not sure whether I'm amused or appalled by this. Yes, it's 101 cover versions of Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven, including a reggae version by Dread Zeppelin. (Actually, I kind of like Dread Zeppelin. I even saw them in concert once in Cleveland back in the early 1990's. Great show. I mean, come on. How can you resist a Led Zeppelin cover band that's fronted by an Elvis impersonator? I know I can't.) In any case, you can find reggae versions, banjo versions, backward versions, straight versions, symphonic versions, and more. I had no idea that Frank…