
This paper on the ecology of vampires in Buffyville is hysterical--in a geeky sort of way. And it's a very good ecology primer too...
Hallelujah! You'll want to play this mp3 for any of your religious friends and relatives. The chorus will make them jump up and exclaim…something.
With all the nerdy preening and bragging going on due to Janet's nerd-off, I couldn't resist adding my contribution to the festivities. However, a question has nagged at me since I posted about this early this morning. On January 10, 2005, my score on the Nerd Quiz was 92, making me a Supreme Nerd. Today, I had to find out whether that had changed; so I took the test again. My score this time? Check it out, baby: Nerd God, baby! With that score, plus all my other nerd attributes, now there should be no doubt that I can compete with any ScienceBlogger here, even Mark! And if that's not enough…
...Ph.D. biologist ranks high as nerd:
So, Janet's thrown down the gauntlet, noting that "the time has come to see just how high those geek flags fly." She's already collected a bunch of them here, so for my own, I'll submit a few anecdotes. First, admittedly, I know jack shit about computers, so I absolutely lose in that category. But, I've already taught both of my kids how to swab their cheek cells and gram stain the collected bacteria, along with a bunch of other nerdy experiments I mentioned here. Additionally, PZ added a second layer of competition--the nerd photo pic. He thinks this one (at the bottom) takes the cake…
Janet, Janet, Janet. What have you wrought? I know you're hosting the Skeptics' Circle next week, which gives you much cred in my book, but why this now? Annoyed at being shut out of the hottest scienceblogger list, you decreed a nerd-off, and then everybody had to get into the act, including Nick, Chad, Janet again, Joshua, PZ, Shelley (who in reality should be automatically disqualified, having been elected the hottest scienceblogger), John Wilkins, Afarensis, Razib, and Mike Dunford. (Bora tried to deny that he is a nerd, but I detect serious nerdiness underneath that seemingly cool…
Well everyone else is doing it and it appears I qualify for an MIT position (anyone listening?), but I have to justify my nerdiness to skeptics. 1. I read all of Arthur C. Clarke's novels when I was a kid. 2. I read all of Robert Heinlein's novels when I was a teenager. 3. I read all of Neal Stephenson's and Terry Pratchett's novels now. 4. I learned to program in COBOL. 5. All I read apart from the above are technical scientific and philosophical papers. If I push myself, I'll read a technical scientific or philosophical book. The current one is Rosenzweig's Species Diversity in Space and…
It's on now. Janet of Adventures in Ethics and Science has challenged us all to a nerd-off. It doesn't look like David Bowie is going to be there, but, hell, we can do better. Maybe James Watson? Anyways, here's the challenge: Perhaps not every ScienceBlogger is hot, but almost all of them are nerds. The time has come to see just how high those geek flags fly. It's time for a nerd-off. OK, I'll throw my towel into the ring. How's this for size: science-themed valentines. Back in my undergraduate days, one of my friends, Jen Dulin, came up with a way for scientists around the world to…
I swear, it's so hard to tell sometimes what's sincere and what's parody. There's some really good stuff, like the classic Landover Baptist or WinAce's organisms that look designed. There's the sincere-but-looks-like-a-parody, like Dr. Dino or Answers in Genesis. Then there's stuff that just makes me scratch my head, like this page: Do you feel like you should be offering more love to Jesus? What about giving him a big hug? Well, you can't do that of course, but WE can! My Hug for Jesus is offering you a Jesus hugging service. It's new, it's fun, and it's the opportunity to express all the…
This is exactly what I hear when someone tries to promote their favorite cult.
So, the buzz on ScienceBlogs today is science blogger hot or not. It cracks me up that a few people have mentioned me and thanks y'all, but I was always more comfortable with my identity as a quiz bowl nerd anyway (and apparently a picture on technorati was the inclusion criteria, which I never bothered with). Plus, I hear Shelley weilds a mean scepter... And just an FYI...heading to a three-day conference on virulence mechanisms in bacterial pathogens tomorrow and have grant deadlines next week (in addition to teaching duties), so science-heavy posting will likely be sparse until later in…
Yes, that's right, you're looking right at him (on the sidebar, at least). No? Go down a bit... ...a little bit more.... There you go. According to the blog Flags and Lollipops, yours truly is the third hottest science blogger (and the hottest male science blogger) on the internet. Yes, screw Nature and its Top Five Whatever.... This is much better. Here are the top five: Shelley of Retrospectacle Karmen of Chaotic Utopia Nick of The Scientific Activist PZ Myers of Pharyngula Roland of Notes from the Biomass I notice that four out of the top five are at Hmmm... it…
People would be more sympathetic to my interest in our tentacled co-residents of planet Earth if they realized it was a path to free ice cream, according to Lio, at least.
This guy has some deep unresolved issues wiht sexuality. Overheated or overexcited? The link may or may not be Not Safe For Work, but it is most definitely Not Safe With Breakfast. Don't complain I didn't warn you!
"Once you have the testes, you really don't need the rest of the male... I feel really bad about that... it's been my protocol to euthanize the males and take their testes." ...spoken by Jenna's Dev-Bio prof.
I don't know why, but yesterday I was thinking about Spinal Tap. It's a hilarious movie that I haven't seen in a while, and I've wanted to own the DVD for a while now. Somehow, this thought reminded me of something. Something about the blog. Something that, in my absence and now my return from vacation, I had forgotten to post. A monthly blog ritual, so to speak. Indeed, the memory of one particularly hilarious scene from This Is Spinal Tap triggered a reminder of what I must do. So, here and now, I rectify my oversight: I bet you didn't know that EneMan helped to build Stonehenge, did you?…
And even better - they were discovered to be working illegally. Steve says: "Extraterrestrials gotta eat, too" Lex noticed that (if you hover your cursor over the "illegal aliens" in the text), you can find Roswell aliens on eBay!
Because I don't like to follow the herd all the way... Next you'll ask where I got a stamp that does four colour...
Peer pressure is a terrible thing. See Steinn's, Bora's, and the instigator's, Josh's, and make your own here.