
It looks like Orac has acquired a new fan. You see, yesterday I wrote a rather long fisking of Vox Day. (Don't worry, I'm not going to continue it yet again; this dead horse has clearly been beaten enough). In it, I happened to make a brief mention of and link to an apparent admirer of Vox's who goes by the 'nym of MikeT, who defended Vox's idiotic Holocaust analogy while calling him a "devilishly clever bastard." I found his comments while doing a Technorati search to see what others were saying about Vox's article, and my mention of MikeT was very brief. This morning, out of curiosity, I…
I always knew there was something fishy about that Lorax character.
This is a hilarious parody of the movie, The Ten Commandments. I wish this was a real film, I'd be certain to attend the pre-release screening! [1:18] Thanks, Dawn! tags: parody, humor, Ten Commandments, film
When confronted with job ads like this, is it any wonder that people give up on their job searches? Highly competitive postdoctoral position available in the Department of Evolutionary Biology at [name elided]. Applicant must hold a PhD in molecular biology or evolutionary biology with a cumulative grad and undergrad GPA of 4.0. Graduates of MIT or Stanford preferred. Minimum ten years' postdoc experience required, the candidate must also possess an IQ of 160, perfect spelling and grammar, and be prepared to write a 150-page "demo" grant application describing why you want to work for us.…
Rich Hughes has a prosperous future ahead of him as an Intelligent Design Theorist. (Now with new and improved image!) Who else sees this and shudders with the recollection of their training in FORTRAN?
I have never owned a television in my life and I have (so far!) steadfastly refused all offers of free TVs, which, I suppose, effectively makes me into a conversational wasteland according to modern American conversation standards. But honestly, there are times when I wish I did have my own TV .. times such as the college basketball playoffs, the Triple Crown of American horse racing, the Presidential Debates, college football season, Law and Order reruns and, as of last night .. The Simpsons. But thanks to the magic of divine intervention in the form of my new neighbor's free access…
Oh, no: it's a whole illustrated series of complicated moral dilemmas. Can you figure out what to do? All right, I lied. They aren't complicated at all…unless you're insane. (via Ezra)
Normally I like Tim Gueguen. He's an old trenchmate from Usenet and has been blogging longer than I have. But about a week ago, he commented on my facetious piece about a "celebrity nutritionist" with some odd ideas about medicine dating back to the 16th century and involving including dessicated animal "glands" in the supplements that he sells and how he's been rewarded with wealth, hobnobbing with rock stars, and marrying a porn star: Deliberate attempts at generating blog traffic have never really worked for me. On the other hand I often get hits for folks looking for porn for cartoons…
Thanks, Dawn! tags: video, humor
Via Kevin, MD and The Huffington Post, of all places: While you're at it, remember to follow the medical student food pyramid. (Of course, the pyramid left out Doritos and Coke, my Breakfast of Champions when I was a first year medical student.)
Whillikers has found a most excellent scientific paper. If that's what physics is like, you should see the noise we get in biology.
This is making the rounds in email now, just in time for the onset of the annual spring drinking season .. In one episode of "Cheers", Cliff is seated at the bar describing his "Buffalo Theory" to his drinking pal, Norm. It goes something like this; "Well you see, Norm, it's like this; a herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and the weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular…
Just a few things that have either been sitting in my drafts box and I know I won't have a chance to get to, or stuff I saw elsewhere that deserves a mention. Check out this excellent (and hilarious) post by Skip Evans on creationists and boobies. I've posted previously here about our eagles here in Iowa. Phil at the Bad Astronomy Blog gives links to 2 webcams, where you can watch the nests of eagles or peregrine falcons (another favorite bird of mine). They've shut down the eagle one because the eggs didn't hatch and the parents left the nest, but there's a fluffy white falcon chick (…
Continuing to some extent a theme from the other day, I wish my textbooks had read like this one. I have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen the term ménage à trois in a science textbook. It's also used as a surprisingly good analogy, although I wonder how the author would know about what constitutes a "successful" ménage à trois.
This is a war between two worldviews, which Skip explains nicely. Here's the short summary. Wisdom Ignorance Biologists love boobies, beavers, and the weenus! Creationists fear boobies, beavers, and the weenus. Which side would you rather be on?
Classic--scroll down to the May 3rd edition. Hat tip to Wallace--thanks!
In line with the Jesus door, Ocellated brings you a giant fire-breathing rabbit.
As you may know, I'm totally hooked on 24, and with only four episodes to go I'm getting antsy to see how it all ends. In the meantime, however, it's hard not to be amused by Tom Tomorrow's appropriation of one of my favorite shows: I wonder if they're referring to this blog?
I am soooo going to show this trick to my kids. Candy + pop + science = perfect combination. Even better than sparking wintergreen lifesavers. (And this one doesn't involve blowing up stuff that could actually, y'know, really harm you). And finally, since I've not participated in poetry pimpin' at Scienceblogs yet, I offer an ode to Mentos on this, the closing day of National Poetry Month: A Mentos Poem by Rachel from Michigan What can I say about Mentos, They make my life complete. They taste nothing like pimentos, And is why I will eat.......them. (More about the experiment on Steve…