
One last photo from my afternoon at Venice Beach a couple of weeks ago. All I want to ask is this: Is this Alice Cooper's daughter? Dark eyeliner like Dad's? Check. Huge snake like Dad's? Check. It could be. Or is this her below? says scientist. Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is said to have walked on water, a scientist said today. The results suggest temperatures dropped to 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) during one of the two cold periods 2,500 -1,500 years ago for up to two days, the same decades during which Jesus lived. With such conditions, a floating patch of ice could develop above the plumes resulting from the salty springs along the lake's western shore in Tabgha. Tabgha is the town…
Every wicked fan of the Harry Potter series can appreciate this bumper sticker! They also sell t-shirts (I want one!!). Thanks, Peter! tags: humor
Yes, it's true: DeLay has said something with which I find myself in accord. Last Tuesday Mr. DeLay spoke at "The War on Christians" conference during which he agreed with the central theme - that there is, indeed, a "war on Christians" in America today. He went on to say that America treats Christianity like a "second-rate superstition." I don't agree with the first bit, of course: there is no "war on Christians", although I think maybe there should be a rather more work on putting Christianity in its proper place (in the home and in people's entirely personal beliefs, and out of government…
Man, you know a science blog has completely sold out when they try and drum up more readers with sex and nudity.
Thanks, Dawn! tags: politics, cartoon, humor
In the rural fastness of Western Minnesota, a legend grows. A man so nerdly that his infamy spreads far and wide; when people see shell-less molluscs, his name leaps to their lips; when geeks and nerds gather, they all whisper the same thing: "Pee-Zee" (or, as the Canadians and Dr Who fans would say, "Pee-Zed.") Yes, in yet another of a string of geek honors, I have been invited to the GeekProm, to be held in the Science Museum of Minnesota on 22 April. There will be spaz-dancing, cow-eye dissections, and a talent show, and some couple will be crowned King and Queen Geek. Obviously, I deserve…
With the weather in Washington, DC, threatening to be full of thunderstorms and plunging temperatures this afternoon and tonight, I like to think back to where I was less than two weeks ago. As I mentioned before, last week, I was in southern California for a surgical meeting. While I was there, I happened to have an afternoon free, during which time I wandered over to Amoeba Music (my all time favorite new and used CD store), where I indulged one of my few vices and bought up a bunch of music. I also had enough time to take a side trip over to another of my haunts when I find myself in the L…
That's Homestar Runner's head on a silver platter, not Behe's. Although there is a resemblance, Behe looks squirrelier.
Opening day at last! The 2006 baseball season starts this weekend. One thing that I can predict with a high degree of certainty is that, sadly, my old hometown team the Detroit Tigers will continue to suck, getting deeper into their second decade of futility as measured by sub-.500 records. In contrast, my other favorite team, the Cleveland Indians (which I came to root for during the eight years I lived in Cleveland), look strong. Given that they gave the Chicago White Sox a scare in the last couple of months of the season, almost catching them from a huge deficit before falling just short…
What the heck? On April Fools Day, all the other SB'ers are doing this quiz, so why not? I am 11% Idiot. I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people. Take theIdiot Test@ FualiDotCom 11% idiot? Orac is not amused.
OK, that's enough. This April Fool's Day thing has gone too far when I am made the butt of the jokes. So far, I've been born again, endorsed the Noah's Ark story, and have been hired as a GOP consultant. Norwegianity even found this hugely elaborate web site set up as a parody of Pharyngula. Jeez, people, you need to pick on someone with a sense of humor. Crooked Timber found a service with the right idea: this Rhyme Rank thing from invents amusing rhymes from your search terms, but go ahead, try and enter "pharyngula"—it just gives up. It knows better than to indulge in idle wastrel…
Man, I'm really getting disgusted with Roxanne. Last year she let Michelle Maklin be a guest poster on her site, and now this year…she's let this pretentious twit named Jeff take over the whole thing. I took a look at this Jeff fellow's home blog, and it's pretty much the same thing—except that he's got more of an ironic sense of humor at Rox's place.
WARNING: NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Sound, flash, gratuitous use of vulgar language, including the dreaded c-word. Pretty funny, though. Seeks to answer all your questions about public transit. Original source: London Underground.
So, PZ was apparently collecting Jesus pictures or something. (Yeah, I'm late to the game--blame it on Atlanta). I've had this one on my camera for awhile and keep meaning to upload it: guess this is as good as a time as any. From my very own parents' house (that used to creep me out when I was a child): the Jesus vs. Devil door. See if you can see anything: Jesus is top middle and the two devils are at the bottom. Larger images here (Jesus and devils circled), here (close-up of one of the devils) and here (close-up of Jesus image). Gotta be worth more than a grilled cheese sandwich…
...and where better to go than Wal-Mart? And I thought my spring break trips as an undergrad were dull...
Leave it to The Onion: Alternative-Medicine Practitioner Refuses Alternative Method Of Payment.
See it while you can: a good parody of a Jack Chick comic. Unfortunately, Chick Publications is a notoriously litigious outfit, and I expect cease and desist letters from lawyers will be arriving any time now. (via Respectful Insolence)
Heh. More people should do this to Jack Chick tracts. Click the image to see Jack's own tricks turned against him. Here is the original cartoon by Jack Chick.