
Link removed to protect my so-called anonymity. Sorry. Thanks, Ian! tags: humor, cartoon
Regular readers have probably noticed I rarely do quizzes. I'm just lame like that. But this one was a bit too perfect for this site: What disease are you? My results after the jump. You Are Ebola! Also known as Hemorrhagic Fever, you are a risk-taker. You love to travel and experience the world. You are not afraid to walk on the wild side, while still being a funny, yet sarcastic person. Being so open-minded, you have been known to shock people, which is a symptom that occurs within one week of being infected. What happens next? A quick and excrutiating death...technicalities. OK, I…
Seems Janet has been a bit under the weather...and has taken to haiku to describe her ailments. I think this should be the new format for journal case reports. In other news, I'm heading off to my son's preschool class later this morning to give a talk on germs and hand-washing (and a bit about being a scientist in general, since they're discussing careers and community helpers this month), so blogging will be light today. Tomorrow I'm giving a talk out of town in the evening that I still have to polish a bit, but I have a few things in the hopper to keep you busy until I'm back up to…
On this Easter Day, as children look forward to visits by the Easter Bunny, do you ever wonder what the Easter Bunny does the other 364 days a year? I never realized a bunny could be such a sociopath. Finally, I repost a link to DarkSyde's famous reflection, If I Were A Christian as good Easter reading. I'll be back tomorrow...
I know this cartoon is as old as I am so you've all seen it a hundred times already, but it never fails to make me laugh, so I am sharing it with you anyway. tags: cartoon, easter, humor
You tell me…should I be flattered at all the email coming in from people saying that the phrase "flailing around like a lubed-up squid" brought me immediately to their mind? Maybe it was the erotic resonance of the image that elicits that prompts the association… Please don't tell me I'm the only one who detects the erotic resonance.
I'm not Jewish, but nonetheless found this one pretty funny (via one of the mailing lists to which I subscribe): An elderly man in Miami calls his son in New York and says, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing. Forty-five years of misery is enough." "Pop, what are you talking about?" the son screams. "We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the old man says. "We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so, you call your sister in Chicago and tell her," and he hangs up. Frantic, the son calls his sister, who…
Not only do we learn where Tiktaalik came from, but we get an explanation for why the prayer study flopped! Important efficacy tip: stash your porn in a lead-lined safe before praying.
My own daughter, a participant in the blogospheric War on Easter…where did I go wrong right?
The Folk Era was a special time in America, a time of innocence, when people sang Kumbaya and really meant it. When banjo music got airplay and Burl Ives had groupies. No one knows what caused the folk era, and scientists are studying what can be done to prevent it from ever happening again. The nice people at have sent me another CD, The Best of the Foremen. They tell me this group was especially popular with biologists (I can see it—songs about wallowing in whale guts and what we euphemistically call "firing the Surgeon General" are always well received by us), and that SJ…
Alas, I fear that if I let myself be bitten by a squid, all I'd get for my trouble is a very nasty infection, and possibly a few toxins.
Who would have thought these words would ever be typed by me? I'm looking forward to Ann Coulter's new book. It's called Godless(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll). Apparently, Ann Coulter has written a book about me, although I suspect that she'll instead be pretending that people like me are representative of the Democratic Party as a whole. I wish. I'm sure it will be insightful, nuanced, and meticulously researched. Maybe Al Franken and I should get together in a summer book club to discuss it. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. Ann Coulter P.S.…
It feels like cartoon day on Pharyngula, but this one is so good I had to mention it. Tom Tomorrow takes on Saint Thomas DeLay.
A friend of mine is prescribing medicine without a license; I hope this at least does something .. mood-enhancing. I could use a good bout of the giggles, without any embarassing drool. Thanks, Dawn! tags: humor, cartoon
Creationists are always carping about that darned methodological naturalism and how we don't make room for supernatural explanations. How about if we make a deal: we'll reserve the boring ol' natural explanations for things like Tiktaalik, and the creationists can move on to bring their deep knowledge of the supernatural to bear on more relevant questions, like Divine Evolution? That should keep them occupied for a while.
A proscription on all transitional forms would make it far easier to load the Ark—it would have been empty! P.S. If you're completely baffled by the title, it refers to Woodmorappe's infamous statistical error: calculating the feasibility of Noah's Ark by estimating average animal size using the median instead of the mean.
Don't watch it if you'd rather not hear how nonsensical that book is. By the way, the biblical scholar they've got on there, Paul Meyer, is no relation, and he's so darned wrong he doesn't even know how to spell his name correctly.
More commentary on Tiktaalik roseae, this time from the Wichita Eagle (click image and you will be magically transported there). Do be sure to read the little sign on the lower left side, too. Update: this morning on National Public Radio's show, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me! they asked this; Question: Why would fish want to leave the water? Answer: Because fish schools were teaching creationism! Thanks, Ian! tags: evolution, Tiktaalik rosea, fish, cartoon, humor
The tetrapod isn't surprising…you know you're a science nerd when the first thing you wonder is what the flowering plants are doing in the Devonian. It also makes me wonder just how old Bob the Angry Flower is.
By Tony Auth. Click image to be magically transported to the Washington Post, where it is linked from. Thanks, Ian! tags: evolution, Tiktaalik rosea, fish, cartoon, humor