
While I"m on a Mitchell and Webb kick and it's still a slow blogging holiday weekend, this isn't about homeopathy but it does skewer a certain profession: You know, I can sort of picture Dr. Michael Egnor (a younger version, of course) being the brain surgeon in this sketch...
Yes, every skeptic on the web has posted this, but it is irresistible. Remember, yanks, that A&E in the UK is not a boring cable TV channel but what they call an ER.
Maybe health care would be cheaper.
I love Mitchell and Webb, and this is just one reason why. They totally get homeopathy, as this video e-mailed to me by a reader demonstrates: Pay close attention to the signs in the A & E. Too bad this is too late for Homeopathy Awareness Week. And they're funny, to boot. While I'm on the subject of homeopathy, I know I've posted it before, but it's never wrong to repost an oldie but goody, the classic Homeopathic E.R.: Here in the States, it's one of those rare long holiday weekends spanning Friday through Sunday instead of the usual Saturday through Monday. Because I'm working on a…
tags: Harry Potter, ADHD, humor, funny, satire, streaming video I thought this video spoof might bring a smile to your face while we all wait for the upcoming premier of the Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on 17 July [2:22]
tags: Taco Bell, Onion News, humor, funny, satire, streaming video In this ONN report, we learn that Taco Bell has a new menu: it boasts zero environmental impact because they will rely solely on synthetic, lab-produced ingredients. [2:21]
tags: World Science Festival, science, dancing parrot, Snowball, eleanora cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea eleonora, humor, funny, streaming video Despite living in NYC, I was not at the World Science Festival last weekend, which totally bums me out, especially since Irene Pepperberg was there, speaking, and Snowball, a male Eleanora (medium sulfur-crested) cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea eleonora, was there, dancing. This video shows Snowball's delightful performance -- which I missed!! [3:01]
tags: science, god, religion, creationism, humor, funny, satire, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, we learn that the know-it-alls who dreamed up the Big Bang and evolution don't know what they're talking about. Edward Current proves this with a few simple science experiments. (ps, sorry about the picture quality. I thought 'white balance' had something to do with banning immigrants.) [5:05]
If you had the choice between the "standard" option for insurance or the naturopathic option, which would you choose? (Click to see the full cartoon; it's a bit old. But I hadn't seen it before; so it's new to me.) Of course, this is the very reason alt-med boosters don't want anyone to have to choose. They want to "integrate" their quackery into scientific medicine.
Wouldn't it be fun to rap on your neighbors' doors and hand out this tract?
I have just received a message from The Almighty Lord on twitter, re the kinds of expletives people use when excited. Strangely enough, you're right. People shout My Name when they have sex, because I am all one can think of when they're orgasmic. This is all wrong, a myth that another patriarchal myth has promoted to his advantage. I have carried out extensive empirical research in this area for approximately 35 years, and not once have I encountered a woman who shouted out any deity's name at any time during sex. However, I have discovered one consistent phenomenon, a remarkably robust…
The what??? Well, you see, one of the traditional events at the Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting is the annual cockchafer speech. Let me explain that. The first conference in 1951 ended with a gathering of all attending Nobel laureates and their host, Count Lennart Bernadotte, to take a group photograph. Unfortunately it turned out that the laureates felt quite uncomfortable in front of the camera - and a group photograph of annoyed men would not have given the right impression of the successful first meeting. So, when Count Bernadotte saw a cockchafer lying on the ground, he picked it up and…
Last week, I wrote about the FDA's warning about the zinc-containing "homeopathic" cold remedy known as Zicam. Basically, Zicam was approved without testing to show it to be both safe and efficacious because it slipped in using an old 1938 law that allows homeopathic remedies to bypass the usual process for FDA approval. Too bad that, due to the zinc in Zicam, it can cause anosmia, or the loss of the sense of smell. Stephen Colbert, of course, thinks it must be the Democrats who are plotting against one of Rush Limbaugh's main sponsors: The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c…
Finally, Mr Deity notices what's been written about him, and his wrath is righteous. It's too bad he seems to have lost his knack for slam-bam smiting, though.
If so, my respect for her just went up a notch. I'm not a huge fan of MA Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz (although she is far better than Wilkerson), in part, because of her unwillingness to protect arts funding in MA. But, in response to the idea that financial literacy should be added to the school curriculum, she recently said something very Boston (italics mine): Committee member Sen. Sonia Chang-DÃaz, D-Jamaica Plain, a former public school teacher who supports the bill, had reservations about trying to stuff more material into a realistic math curriculum. "It was an enormous struggle for me to…
The Templeton Foundation really must run this ad. I'd applaud their honesty if they did…but they won't.
Because everyone else is finding out what their cyborg name is: Get Your Cyborg Name I like it!
tags: What's Wrong with Philip, comedy, humor, funny, streaming video This video is a touching vignette about the difficult moment where a woman breaks up with her beau, Philip. As you'll notice in this video, Philip suffers from a common problem: he doesn't listen. However, that said, I sure wish I had a Philip to deal with my parents and family .. although I could do without his farting [2:45] H/T: Travelgirl.
(via Revere)