
From the Center for American Progress, via Climate Progress: and from the comments to Joe Romm's post: Mark Shapiro says: August 18, 2009 at 11:01 am . . . "It would be great if the skeptics were right!" That's a near-perfect rejoinder whether debating a skeptic or just chatting with friends. Followed with: "Then the only value of clean, safe renewable energy would be clean air, better health, stronger national security, and conserving our natural heritage. (I'm easing back into real blogging after a few weeks of vacation followed by intense real work.)
Now here's some perfect reading for a lazy stay-at-home vacation day. It's even pretty science-y. Well, math-y, at least. It may even be the best scientific paper ever. The title says it all: When Zombies Attack: Mathematical Modeling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection The long version is at the link above. The short version is that, if this ever happens, we're screwed. The intermediate version is at Night of the Living Model.
tags: Walk On The Wild Side, animals, behavior, humor, streaming video Walk On The Wild Side is a brand new comedy series that seeks to provide a long overdue forum for the views and opinions of the animal kingdom [1:54]
tags: Gay Christians, religion, humor, funny, streaming video This video is a very silly Not The Nine O'Clock News Sketch about gay christians [1:33]
I'm sorry, I'm afraid that title's misleading. This is actually an early video of UnitedHealth CEO Stephen J. Hemsley (whose salary is estimated at $102,000 an hour) discussing his principled stance on why he's opposed to the public option in US health care reform. Or it could be The Money Song from Monty Python's Flying Circus. It's difficult to tell them apart.
Those Australians know how to sell a classy bottle of wine — it's all in the label. There's a good chance I'll be traveling to Melbourne this Spring, and I might just have to bring an extra suitcase to haul back plenty of these: But noooooo — they're all sold out! Maybe I'll have to change those travel plans and visit a more hospitable country.
tags: The Most Amazing Bible Passages Ever, humor, funny, Edward Current, streaming video In this video, Edward Current shares his favorite Bible verses to recite for nonbelievers who just don't get it -- especially when the going gets tough. [5:03]
Here's the updated version of the group, Billionaires For Bush, doing their clever schtick prior to a healthcare town hall forum last evening in Durham, NC (Yes, they are standing in front of a Hummer H2). A robust crowd of 850 people filled the B.N. Duke Auditorium on the campus of North Carolina Central University to hear from a panel led by Congressman David Price (D-NC4). [N.B. - not well-known is that the Duke family purchased 25 acres of land to create the campus for this historically-black college four miles across town; hence, the university honored the gift by naming its central…
Did you miss out on our trip to the Creation "Museum" last week? Do you wish you could see such amazing inanity on display, but you live far away and you just don't think it's worth the money? Or perhaps you just don't want to give AiG a penny. Well, here's your solution: make your own! It's easy, it's cheap, and trust me, it's just as scientifically accurate. All you have to do is go to your local WalMart and browse the toy section. Get a random assortment of plastic animals, arrange them into a beautiful diorama, and take pictures. Presto! That's what these clever people did. I just have…
tags: Onion News Network, ONN, privacy, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video This streaming news report reveals that web users who wish to completely protect their privacy can choose to move to a desolate mountain village started by Google. While living there, they are guaranteed an environment free from Google products and natural light from the sun [2:18]
Wouldn't you know it, even the omniscient lord of the cosmos can't spell my name right. There may be an upside to this, though: when St Peter at the gates goes flipping through his big book of naughty deeds, he won't be able to find me, and will just wave me on through to continue my rabble rousing.
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
Not a pro-health insurance company thug If you peek over at the sidebar, you'll notice that my photo is a copy of Norman Rockwell's Freedom of Speech. I'll turn the description over to driftglass: He's nervous. Really nervous.By his tan and his hands and his clothes, you can tell he's a working man. Everyone around him is wearing a tie; his collar is open.Those are his remarks there in his pocket, which he probably spent a long time writing out, tossing out, and then rewriting.He probably told his family that tonight he's gonna go down to the meetin' and give those Big Guys what 'fer.His…
The Daily Show's Jon Oliver investigates the question of whether humans are more closely related to orangutans or chimpanzees. The answer shouldn't surprise you in the slightest (though it will be quite funny). The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Human's Closest Relative Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Spinal Tap Performance Orangutans aren't the only ones who engage in face to face sex. Bonobos do it as one of their many inventive positions. Leaving the genetic evidence aside, behaviorally the likelihood that humans…
tags: Wedding Yells, humor, funny, The Day Today, BBC, streaming video This video shows a nupticution. It's not so much wedding bells as 'execution yells' as a killer of 12 marries his 'fried to be' on the electric chair. Barbara Wintergreen reports for CBN News. From the BBC comedy, The Day Today. [2:12]
Too bad it's missing one big one. There's nothing about the birther movement there: See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. I think that about sums it all up: moon hoax, 9/11, the Illuminati, the Masons. What more could there be?
tags: Test Your Faith Vision, humor, funny, Edward Current, streaming video This video is a timed quiz and it asks, "Among all the horrible things in the world, how quickly can you pick out our loving Creator's blessings?" Find out with this simple quiz. [4:33] What was your score on this quiz? My score indicates that I should give up and go back to my sinful way of life. YEEhaw! I can hardly wait!
This may be a few months old, but I only just saw it the other night. Seems like it would work: CreedocideUploaded by greenfaace. - See more comedy videos. My only question is: Where is the other major monotheistic religion?
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video This video is the entire Colbert Report form 6 August 2009. This news report covers Yahweh or No Way, and other interesting news reports [21:44]
tags: pregnancy in America, Natus craze, funny, humor, satire, streaming video This video is a news report from The Day Today with Barbara Wintergreen, who is investigating the Natus craze in California [2:02]